VALUEVAULT is a Golang compiled version of the “Windows Vault Password Dumper” browser credential theft tool from Massimiliano Montoro, the developer of Cain & Abel.[1]

# Quick Start

# build VALUEVAULT on Windows
go build -mod vendor -trimpath -o b.exe -a main.go

# copy binary to Resources\payloads\SideTwist
copy b.exe ..\Resources\payloads\SideTwist

# run the executable

# Build Instructions

# Windows

go build -mod vendor -trimpath -o b.exe -a main.go

# Test Instructions

To run vault unit tests:

# from the Resources\VALUEVAULT directory

go test vault -a -v

To run db unit tests:

# from the Resources\VALUEVAULT directory

go test db -a -v

# Seed Credentials in Internet Explorer

Open Internet Explorer OWA credentials:

1. Enter in address bar
2. Bypass certificate errors
3. Enter account credentials
4. A small prompt will appear on the bottom of the page prompting to save the credentials
5. Save credentials

# Usage Examples

Will create SQLite database with output of Windows Credential Value for Internet Explorer




{homedir}\{username}\AppData\Roaming\fsociety.dat or %AppData%

Database layout:

    	origin_url VARCHAR NOT NULL,
        username_value VARCHAR,
        password VARCHAR

# Cleanup Instructions

Remove {homedir}\{username}\AppData\Roaming\fsociety.dat
Remove b.exe

# Read DB contents

Requires Python3

cd .\read-db
python3 -m venv env
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 .\read-db.py

# CTI Evidence

[1] https://www.mandiant.com/resources/hard-pass-declining-apt34-invite-to-join-their-professional-network

# References