# OilRig Scenario Cleanup Procedures

Clean up scripts provided will check and delete all artifacts. The script will also force reboot the host at the end of the script's execution.


  1. RDP into THEBLOCK as follows:
# from the Resources/cleanup directory

xfreerdp +clipboard /u:boombox\\gosta /p:"d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls" /v: /drive:X,Resources/cleanup
  1. Open PowerShell and select "Run as Administrator":
Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass -force

# Artifact List

# SideTwist Dropper/SideTwist

  • SystemFailureReporter schtask
  • C:\Users\gosta\Downloads\Marketing_Materials.zip
  • C:\Users\gosta\Downloads\GGMS Overview.doc
  • C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Local\SystemFailureReporter\
    • (File renamed) C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Local\SystemFailureReporter\b.doc
    • C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Local\SystemFailureReporter\SystemFailureReporter.exe
    • (Removed in scenario) C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Local\SystemFailureReporter\update.xml


  • (Removed in scenario) C:\users\gosta\AppData\Roaming\b.exe
  • (Removed in scenario) C:\users\gosta\AppData\Roaming\fsociety.dat

# Other

  • (Removed in scenario) C:\Users\Public\Downloads\plink.exe
  • (Removed in scenario) C:\Users\Public\contact.aspx


  1. RDP into WATERFALLS as follows:
# from the Resources/cleanup directory

xfreerdp +clipboard /u:boombox\\gosta /p:"d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls" /v: /drive:X,Resources/cleanup
  1. Open PowerShell and select "Run as Administrator":
Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass -force

# Artifact List

# TwoFace

  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\contact.aspx

# Other

  • (Removed in scenario) C:\Windows\System32\m64.exe
  • (Removed in scenario) C:\Windows\Temp\01.txt
  • (Removed in scenario) C:\Windows\System32\ps.exe
  • (Removed in scenario) C:\Windows\temp\Nt.dat
  • (Removed in scenario) C:\Windows\System32\mom64.exe


  1. RDP into WATERFALLS as follows:
# from the Resources/cleanup directory

xfreerdp +clipboard /u:boombox\\tous /p:"E2Ung_ZS%x-E-T5G" /v: /drive:X,Resources/cleanup
  1. Open PowerShell and select "Run as Administrator":
Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass -force

# Artifact List


  • (File renamed) C:\ProgramData\Nt.dat
  • (Removed in scenario) C:\ProgramData\VMware\
    • (Removed in scenario) C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\guest.bmp
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\guest.bmp.tmp