# C++ Shellcode Execution Template

The C++ Shellcode Execution Template is used by the C2 server to recompile a payload that will be executed by the SodaMaster implant for each command execution task. The compiled binary will be converted to shellcode and executed by the SodaMaster implant, which will then pass the output of the execution back to the C2 server.

The template will find, load, and lock the resource located in the bin folder (should be replaced with the payload you want to write to disk) and then write it to disk at the desired path (PAYLOAD_PATH) if the payload name is supplied. It will then create a cmd.exe process with the desired args (ARGS) and a named pipe to write the output of the process to if CLI arguments are supplied.

# Build Instructions

When using the C++ template in conjunction with the SodaMaster implant and C2 server, the SodaMaster TCP handler will pass in the required parameters and recompile the template with the desired payload once the execution task has been assigned to the implant. There is no need to manually build the template in this case. For instructions on how to task the SodaMaster implant, see here.

The template is configured to cross compile Windows on a Linux machine. Instructions for manually building the template are below.

From Powershell/Terminal:

  1. Install the necessary dependencies on your machine.

  2. Replace the bytes of the payload.exe executable in the template\bin folder with your desired payload bytes. Keep the name of the resource as payload.exe.

  3. Navigate to the .../sodamaster/template directory in a terminal and run the following commands:

    cmake -S . -B build -DPAYLOAD_PATH="path\to\write\payload" -DPAYLOAD_NAME="payload name" -DARGS="any command line arguments"
    cmake --build build --clean-first

# Dependencies


  • CMake
    sudo apt install cmake
  • MinGW
    sudo apt install mingw-w64

# Execution


Since the binary is compiled for Windows, it will not run on a Linux machine without a compatibility layer. See here for more information.


Open Powershell and navigate to the ...\sodamaster\template\bin directory. Either run the test_template.exe executable or the template.dll DLL with rundll32.exe and exported function "Run" to execute the template binary.

# Testing

Compile the exe/dll with the build commands above. After the build is complete, run the test.exe executable concurrently with test_template.exe or template.dll. Monitor your terminal to see the test output.

The ...\template\testing code is pulled from the SodaMaster implant, and can be found here.

# Cleanup

  • Delete the payload from disk on the victim machine (should be located at PAYLOAD_PATH with PAYLOAD_NAME).

# Resources

  1. https://securelist.com/apt10-sophisticated-multi-layered-loader-ecipekac-discovered-in-a41apt-campaign/101519/
  2. http://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2022/pdf/JSAC2022_9_yanagishita-tamada-nakatsuru-ishimaru_en.pdf
  3. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2021/02/25140359/greatidea_A41_v1.0.pdf
  4. https://www.trendmicro.com/ja_jp/research/21/l/Sigloader-by-Earth-Tengshe.html