# Infrastructure for ATT&CK Evaluations - ALPHV BlackCat and menuPass (2024)

The infrastructure below was used for both ALPHV BlackCat and menuPass (2024). For convenience and cost savings, shared resources are used, including supporting infrastructure, including attacker platform, DNS, mail server, and traffic forwarding hosts.

Initial infrastructure was setup using Terraform, with configuration applied via scripts and configuration files.

  • Infrastructure for ATT&CK Evaluations - ALPHV BlackCat and menuPass (2024)
    • Infrastructure Overview
      • Scenario VMs
        • Subsidiary A Domain - digirunaway.net
        • Subsidiary B Domain - digirevenge.net
        • Standalone Workstation
      • Support and Red Team Hosts
        • Network Support Hosts
        • Red Team Hosts
      • Network Diagram

# Infrastructure Overview

This document provides an overview of the infrastructure support used for the evaluation. In addition to setup and configuration of virtual machines, this document covers infrastructure support services, such as domain name services (DNS), mail, and traffic redirection, used to support the evaluation. Support services such as DNS and redirectors are used throughout the evaluation for resource efficiency.

The Digimon media franchise was used as inspiration for the naming scheme.

# Scenario VMs

The scenario consists of an organization with two subsidiaries, with a bidirectional Active Directory domain trust relationship between the domains. A separate workstation, outside of the two domains, represents a 3rd party user with trusted access to the domain systems.

# Subsidiary A Domain - digirunaway.net

The Subsidiary A domain consists of six virtual machines, all joined to the digirunaway.net Windows domain.

Hostname OS IP Role
parrotmon Windows Server 2022 Domain Controller
omnimon Windows Server 2022 Exchange Server
gabumon Windows Server 2022 IIS Server
phantomon Windows 11 Workstation 1
ghostmon Windows 11 Workstation 2
cecilmon Windows 11 Workstation 3

# Subsidiary B Domain - digirevenge.net

The Subsidiary B domain consists of eight virtual machines, all joined to the digirevenge.net Windows domain.

Hostname OS IP Role
blacknoirmon Windows Server 2022 Domain Controller
stormfrontmon Windows Server 2022 Exchange Server
alphamon Windows Server 2022 File Server
datamon Windows Server 2022 SQL Server
kimeramon Windows 11 Workstation 1 (Bastion)
butchermon Windows 11 Workstation 2
bakemon Windows 11 Workstation 3
leomon Ubuntu 22.04 LTS KVM Server (uses Active Directory credentials)

# Standalone Workstation

The Standalone Workstation is a single virtual machine, not joined to an Active Directory domain.

Hostname OS IP Role
raremon Windows 11 Contractor Workstation

# Support and Red Team Hosts

The following hosts are used for overall network support, as well as for red team use. The hosts below are not accessible by evaluation participants.

# Network Support Hosts

Hostname OS IP Role
outofthewoods Ubuntu 22.04 LTS DNS
deadpool Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Postfix Mail
gambit Ubuntu 22.04 LTS,, Redirector 1
sabertooth Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Redirector 2
laura Ubuntu 22.04 LTS,, Redirector 3

# Red Team Hosts

Hostname OS IP Role
homelander Windows Server 2022 Jumpbox
kraken Kali Linux 2023.4 Kali

# Network Diagram

The diagram below shows the layout of all victim hosts, attack platform, and support hosts.
