# Windows Service


# Overview

A custom Windows service was created for the evaluation, Viper VPN Service. The Windows service was a dummy service, using pywin32 and pyinstaller. The source code and build instructions for the Windows service are in the windows-service directory.

# Build Instructions

The build must be performed on a Windows host.

NOTE: The following steps assume you have installed Python on your Windows host, and the Python executables are on your system PATH.

# Build

  1. Create a Python virtual environment, we will use the name venv for the virtual environment, python -m venv venv.
  2. Activate virtualenv.
    1. venv/Scripts/activate
  3. Use pip to install dependencies.
    1. python -m pip install pywin32 pyinstaller
  4. Run pywin32 post installer script.
    1. python venv/Scripts/pywin32_postinstall.py -install
  5. Deactivate virtualenv.
    1. deactivate
  6. Reactivate virtualenv.
    1. venv/Scripts/activate
  7. Run build.
    1. Change directory to files/windows-service.
    2. Execute build, pyinstaller.exe --onefile --runtime-tmpdir=. --hidden-import win32timezone viperVpn.py
  8. Binary executable will be output in files/windows-service/dist/ directory.

Use the new executable to continue with Carbon Setup

# SetACL Studio

After the ViperVPNSvc service was installed on the hosts, the service registry key access control was modified.

SetACL Studio was used to configure service permissions, to configure the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ViperVPNSvc was modified to grant full control to "Authenticated Users".