# Cleanup


# Carbon Scenario

# Setup

To remove artifacts, run the Cleanup Scripts as from the Kali hosts. You can also run the cleanup scripts on each target as described in their respective directories.

  1. From the Kali Linux machine (

    cd /opt/day1/turla
    xfreerdp +clipboard /u:skt\\\evals_domain_admin /p:"DuapQj7k8Va8U1X27rw6" /v: /drive:X,Resources/cleanup
  2. From the RDP session, open powershell in administrative mode

  3. Run the cleanup commands for each implant listed below that you need to cleanup

  4. Sign out of the RDP session when finished.


  • \\tsclient\X\EPIC\epic_cleanup.ps1 -target hobgoblin -user gunter

# Carbon

  •   $targethosts = "hobgoblin","bannik","khabibulin"
      foreach ($targethost in $targethosts) {
          Write-Host "[+] Performing Carbon cleanup on $targethost"
          Invoke-Command -ComputerName $targethost -FilePath \\tsclient\X\Carbon\carbon_cleanup.ps1

# Penquin

Additional documentation here.

  • From the Kali Linux machine, SCP the Penquin cleanup script to KAGAROV:

    cd /opt/day1/turla
    scp Resources/cleanup/Penquin/cleanup_penquin.sh adalwolfa@
  • Enter Password2! when prompted:

  • Execute the cleanup script, entering Password2! when prompted:

    ssh adalwolfa@ "sudo ./cleanup_penquin.sh && rm cleanup_penquin.sh"

# Snake Scenario

# Setup

To remove artifacts, run the Cleanup Scripts as from the Kali hosts. You can also run the cleanup scripts on each target as described in their respective directories.

  1. From the Kali Linux machine (

    cd /opt/day2/turla
    xfreerdp +clipboard /u:nk\\\evals_domain_admin /p:"DuapQj7k8Va8U1X27rw6" /v: /drive:X Resources/cleanup
  2. From the RDP session, open powershell in administrative mode and set the execution policy

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope CurrentUser
  3. Run the cleanup commands for each implant listed below that you need to cleanup

  4. Reset the execution policy

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Undefined -Scope CurrentUser
  5. Sign out of the RDP session when finished.


  • \\tsclient\X\EPIC\epic_cleanup.ps1 -target azuolas -user egle

# Snake

  • $targethosts = "azuolas","berzas","uosis"
    \\tsclient\X\Snake\snake_cleanup.ps1 -targets $targethosts -restart -deleteInstaller

# LightNeuron

  • Invoke-Command -ComputerName drebule -FileName \\tsclient\X\LightNeuron\lightneuron_cleanup.ps1