# Carbon-DLL Orchestrator DLL


# Orchestrator

# Overview

The Carbon DLL Orchestrator (orch) will be started from the Carbon installer service and inject the C2 communication DLL (comms lib) into a legitimate process.1 The orchestrator will create mutexes for the comms lib and itself to manage file access.1 The orchestrator will monitor a specific file to find tasks that the comms lib pulled from the C2.1 The orchestrator will publish its completed tasks and relevant information to another file that the comms lib monitors so that the information can be sent back to the C2.1

# Files

# File Structure and Explanation

The file structure for Carbon was based on a combination of Carbon 3.7X Carbon 3.8X file structures1 Our file structure differs from CTI in that we do not have a separate task file for both the orchestrator and the comms lib since only the orchestrator executes tasks. We also excluded the two .png files in the Carbon 3.8X file tree that do not have an explanation of their purpose.

The files and folders listed here will always be created, but task output file names are defined in each line of workdict.xml.

C:\Program Files\Windows NT is set as the Carbon working directory. Per CTI, Carbon randomly selects a folder from C:\Program Files1, but we only use Windows NT to maintain consistent evaluations.

File/Folder Description
.\0511 directory for tasks and task configs
.\0511\workdict.xml orchestrator tasks
.\2028 directory for log and task result files
.\2028\traverse.gif list of files to send to c2
.\2028\dsntport.dat comms lib logging
.\Nlts directory to contain task config files
.\MSSVCCFG.DLL orchestrator dll
.\MSXHLP.DLL comms lib dll
.\bootinfo.dat error log
.\history.jpg result log
.\setuplst.xml main config file

# Configuration File

The Carbon installer will drop an encrypted setuplst.xml config file to the working directory that the orchestrator and comms lib will read. Our config file was based off the Carbon 3.77 config file.1 A plain text version of the config file is available in bin/configPlainText.xml.

These are the different sections, settings, and their descriptions in the config file:

Section Setting Description
[NAME] object_id The uuid of this implant
[PROC] net_app A list of the target applications for the orchestrator to inject into
[CRYPTO] rsa_priv The private RSA key for the comms lib to decrypt communications from the C2
[TIME] not used in our implementation
[CW_LOCAL] quantity not used in our implementation
[CW_INET] address1 The URL of the C2 endpoint
[TRANSPORT] system_pipe The name of the pipe used for p2p
^ spstatus not used in our implementation
^ adaptable not used in our implementation
^ p2p_client If this implant will run in p2p client mode or not
^ peer_pipe The pipe to send C2 communications back to
[DHCP] server not used in our implementation
[LOG] logperiod not used in our implementation
[WORKDATA] not used in our implementation
[LOCATION] task_dir The name of the directory that contains the task file
^ log_dir The name of the directory that contains task output related files
^ t_cfg_dir The name of the directory that contains task config files
[FILE] cfg The name of the main config file
^ tsk The name of the task file
^ send The name of the file that lists files to send to the C2
^ elog The name of the error log file
^ log The name of the regular log file
[MTX] cfg The name of the mutex for the task file
^ tsk The name of the mutex for the task file
^ send The name of the mutex for the file that lists files to send to the C2
^ elog The name of the mutex for the error log file
^ log The name of the mutex for the regular log file

Upon startup, the first thing the orchestrator will do is read this config file. If there is an option missing from the config file that the orchestrator is expecting, it will fall back to a default value. These are listed in the src/orchestrator.cpp file.

# Functionality

# Encryption


Each file output from the orchestrator will be encrypted with CAST-128.1 We used a hardcoded key with a hex value of f2d4560891bd948692c28d2a9391e7d9 in our implementation. The orchestrator expects the config file to be encrypted, and will first decrypt it and load configuration information before performing any action.

The orchestrator also expects task-related files to be encrypted and will decrypt tasking information before proceeding to task execution. Task output is encrypted on disk for the comms lib to pick up and send to the C2 server.

# Mutexes


The orchestrator will create five mutexes to coordinate file access between the comms lib and itself. The mutexes created were based off Carbon 3.8X.1 The number of mutexes used here was reduced by two when compared to the CTI because we do not use an equivalent of xmlrts.png, and only the orchestrator is completing tasks, so there is less simultaneous read/write access between the orchestrator and the comms lib.

These are the mutexes created by the orchestrator and their descriptions:

Mutex Description
Global\Microsoft.Telemetry.Configuration Represent config file setuplst.xml ownership
Global\DriveEncryptionStd Represent task file workdict.xml ownership
Global\DriveHealthOverwatch Represent send file traverse.gif ownership
Global\Threading.Management.Info Represent error log bootinfo.dat ownership
Global\Stream.Halt.Restoration Represent regular log history.jpg ownership

# Injection


The orchestrator will inject the 3rd stage communications library into processes that typically generate HTTP traffic, such as a web browser.1,2,3 For our evaluations, only Microsoft Edge was tested with the orchestrator. Injection into other web browsers should be possible, but this is not tested.

Injection is performed in the following steps:

  • enable debug privileges for the current process source
  • read the config file for a list of target processes source
  • look for those processes on the current machine, and record the PIDs of the ones found source
  • get a handle to KERNEL32.dll from a target process source
  • perform the injection using GetProcAddress for LoadLibraryA, OpenProcess for the target process, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, and finally CreateRemoteThread source

After successful injection, the comms lib DLL will start to communicate with the C2 server.

The orchestrator uses OpenProcess and WaitForSingleObject to monitor the process that the comms lib was injected into. If that process is terminated, the orchestrator will attempt to find a new host process to re-inject the comms lib.

# Tasking


The comms lib will post tasks for the orchestrator in workdict.xml. The orchestrator will check workdict.xml for updates every 5 seconds. The format for each task is as follows1:

task_id | task_filepath | task_config_filepath | task_result_filepath | task_log_filepath
Field Description
task_id a number designating which task this is
task_filepath the location of a file that the orchestrator will execute for this task
task_config_filepath the location of the configuration file specific to this task
task_result_filepath the location where the orchestrator will output the task result (i.e. command output)
task_log_filepath the location where the orchestrator will output its log for this task

The format for a task config file is as follows:

name = cmd.exe
exe = whoami /all
Field Description
name the name of the file to run (cmd.exe by default)
exe the arguments to run the file with

A task config file can exclude the name field, and cmd.exe will be filled in by default. However, an operator should not need to worry about creating the task config files ask this is done automatically by the comms lib, and an operator should refer to the Carbon C2 handler for instructions on how to task the implant. If tasks are found, the orchestrator will parse them, pick out each section of the task, and then execute the task. The orchestrator is able to execute multiple tasks sequentially if there are multiple in the tasking file. Once the orchestrator has completed executing all of the tasks, it will remove them from the tasking file and release the mutex for the tasking file. Then, the orchestrator will take any output and log information from the task it performed, and put those in the task_result_filepath and task_log_filepath respectivley. The orchestrator will then gain ownership of the mutex for and make an entry in the "files to send to the C2" file, traverse.gif. The format for these entries is as follows:

task_id | num_files | filepath | uuid
Mutex Description
task_id a number designating which task this is
num_files the number of files to send (only 1 is supported)
filepath the path of the file to send
uuid the uuid of the implant, as defined in the config file

Since only sending 1 file per entry is supported, each task will create two entries in traverse.gif, one for the result file and one for the log file. The comms lib will then check traverse.gif for entries, and when found, will send those files to the C2 server.

# Testing Information

Currently, the orchestrator will output everything it logs to console for testing purposes.
Using any of the testing scripts will perform process injection

The easiest way to test the orchestrator is to use the Carbon Installer.

If the installer does not have the most recent versions of the orchestrator or comms lib, you can test the orchestrator with the included output-itest.ps1 script.

output-itest.ps1 runs the orchestrator and comms lib separately so that the user has console output for both. Both testing scripts require that files are placed in turla\Resources\Carbon\Orchestrator\resources:

  • MSSVCCFG.dll: the orchestrator
  • MSXHLP.dll: the comms lib
  • setuplst.xml: the encrypted config
  • dllrunner.exe: dll runner used to start the comms lib (output-itest.ps1 only)

These files can be found in these locations respectively:

The c2 server seems to want one task at a time. You need to start the c2 before you start carbon.

You will need to have a c2 server running and issue a task in order to see that Carbon is working. The following task was used to test that Carbon is working properly: ./evalsC2client.py --set-task SOMEUUID '{"id": 1, "code": 0, "cmd": "whoami /all"}'. You can change the "cmd": "whoami /all" section to execute another command, such as "cmd": "systeminfo". Please ensure that the comms lib is looking at the right IP/port for your c2 server. This is defined in the config under address1, which you only need to change the IP and port. If you need to edit the config, you can encrypt it by making your changes to ./bin/configPlainText.xml and running ./bin/configEncrypt.exe. This will overwrite ./bin/setuplst.xml with the updates made to ./bin/configPlainText.xml.

After all requisite files are found, output-itest.ps1 will clean the working directory, C:\Program Files\Windows NT, of any artifacts. Next, output-itest.ps1 will manually create the directories in C:\Program Files\Windows NT that Carbon requires. Then, it will copy over the files from turla\Resources\Carbon\Orchestrator\resources. Now, it will start Carbon using dllrunner.exe and ./bin/runner.exe to start the comms lib and orchestrator respectivley. Once you are done testing, you can enter 1 in the script to view the log files, where the script will run ./bin/castDecrypt.exe for both history.jpg and bootinfo.dat. Finally, the script will clean up any artifacts created from testing.

If you encounter an error, ./include/orchestrator.h has a mapping of error code to a basic name of the error to help diagnose the issue.

# Build Instructions

All PE files were build on Windows 10 with MinGW32. You can use the included build.ps1 script to automatically remove and rebuild the PE files. build.ps1 is designed to build a dll from .\test\dllspawnnp.cpp and place it in .\bin\MSXHLP.dll so that it can be injected by the orchestrator for testing. However, having the .\test\dllspawnnp.cpp file is not required to be able to build using build.ps1, and the script will skip that file if it does not exist. build.ps1 will also remove the symbols from the orchestrator dll and check that they have been removed.

If you wish to build the PE files manually, these are the commands that are used to do so.

x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -static -std=c++20 -lstdc++fs -Wall -Wextra -Werror -o bin/runner.exe test/testdllrunner.cpp
x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -I include/ -I "$env:MINGW64_ROOT\include\cryptopp" -static -shared -std=c++20 -lstdc++fs -Wall -Wextra -Werror -o bin/MSSVCCFG.dll src/*.cpp -lWinInet -L "$env:MINGW64_ROOT\lib" -l cryptopp
x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -I include/ -I "$env:MINGW64_ROOT\include\cryptopp" -static -std=c++20 -lstdc++fs -Wall -Wextra -Werror -o bin/configEncrypt.exe test/config_encrypt.cpp -lWinInet -L "$env:MINGW64_ROOT\lib" -l cryptopp
x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -I include/ -I "$env:MINGW64_ROOT\include\cryptopp" -static -std=c++20 -lstdc++fs -Wall -Wextra -Werror -o bin/castDecrypt.exe test/castDecrypt.cpp -lWinInet -L "$env:MINGW64_ROOT\lib" -l cryptopp

You can remove symbols from the orchestrator dll with the following command:

strip -s .\bin\MSSVCCFG.dll

To verify, you can run objdump --syms .\bin\MSSVCCFG.dll - you should see an empty symbols table.

# Cleanup Instructions

When running the orchestrator with the Carbon Installer, refer to the Carbon Installer's turla/Resources/cleanup/Carbon/carbon_cleanup.ps1 script for cleanup.

# CTI References

  1. https://www.welivesecurity.com/2017/03/30/carbon-paper-peering-turlas-second-stage-backdoor/
  2. https://www.gdatasoftware.com/blog/2015/01/23926-analysis-of-project-cobra
  3. https://www.ncsc.admin.ch/ncsc/en/home/dokumentation/berichte/fachberichte/technical-report_apt_case_ruag.html