# Protections Test 5

# Features

C++ executable that emulates ransomware behavior by enumerating and encrypting files in a specified directory.

Note: the encryption implementations have been removed for public release

# Build

Test5 can be built in Debug or Release mode using the included CMakePreset.json configurations.

# Dependencies

  • CMake version 3.26
  • CMakePresets.json version 6 support (Ninja Multi-Config)

# Quickstart

# Command Line

Build both Debug and Release configurations of test5. This will also kick off the GoogleTest unit tests.

cd Resources\test5
cmake.exe --workflow --preset cicd-debug
cmake.exe --workflow --preset cicd-release

For simplicity, all of the generated artifacts can be bundled into the top-level install/ directory using the CMake installation facility.

cmake.exe --install ./build --config release
cmake.exe --install ./build --config debug

You can then run Test5 from the command line:



# Usage & Arguments

All test5 arguments are positional. Test 5 requires a starting file path and a verb encrypt/decrypt.

  • [Path to starting directory/]
  • encrypt|decrypt verb

Example 1 (start in Users/Public and recursively encrypt):

test5.exe C:\Users\Public\ encrypt 

Example 2 (start in Users/Public and recursively decrypt):

test5.exe C:\Users\Public\ decrypt 

# Install

Installing test5 simply copies all of the artifacts from both Release and Debug builds into the top-level install/ directory. This is simply for ease of use and distributability.

The final product should be a top-level directory named install/ with the following layout:

├─ install/
   ├─ Debug/
   │  ├─ main.exe
   │  ├─ main.pdb
   ├─ Release/
      ├─ main.exe

# Test 🧪

# Unit Tests

GoogleTest unit tests will automatically run when using the cicd-debug and cicd-release presets

You can also run them ad-hoc by running:

ctest.exe --preset all

# Troubleshoot

test5 does not generate any logging or stdout to reduce ioc's that are not relevant to the test. If issues appear while trying to encrypt/decrypt, ensure that the path provide has a trailing slash (eg. C:\Users\Public\).



# Other References

  • TBD