# DPRK Scenario Cleanup

This cleanup instruction set assumes the cleanup scripts are available to download from the Kali attack machine. Either the evalsC2server Simple File Server handler or a simple Python HTTP server to serve the files will suffice for this purpose.

  1. In the victim macOS machine, open a Terminal

  2. Elevate to sudo, providing the user's password when prompted:

    sudo su
  3. To cleanup STRATOFEAR:

    1. Download the STRATOFEAR cleanup script to the /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools directory

      • evalsC2server Simple File Server handler, configured to serve the DPRK/Resources/cleanup folder:

        curl -o stratofearCleanUp.sh http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/stratofearCleanUp.sh
      • Simple Python HTTP server (python3 -m http.server), started in the DPRK/Resources/cleanup folder:

        curl -o stratofearCleanUp.sh
    2. Execute the STRATOFEAR cleanup script:

      cd /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools
      chmod +x stratofearCleanUp.sh
  4. To cleanup FULLHOUSE.DOORED:

    1. Download the FULLHOUSE.DOORED cleanup script to /usr/local/bin/

      • evalsC2server Simple File Server handler, configured to serve the DPRK/Resources/cleanup folder:
      curl -o fullhouse_cleanup.sh http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/fullhouse_cleanup.sh
      • Simple Python HTTP server (python3 -m http.server), started in the DPRK/Resources/cleanup folder:

        curl -o fullhouse_cleanup.sh
    2. Execute the FULLHOUSE.DOORED cleanup script:

      cd /usr/local/bin
      chmod +x fullhouse_cleanup.sh

NOTE: This cleanup instruction set does not remove the debug log files created by the implants.