DPRK Detection Analysis
This guide covers key detection criteria for DPRK-related malware activity as emulated by the (Enterprise Round 6 Emulation Plan), such as FULLHOUSE.DOORED
. The focus is on recognizing tool transfers, masquerading, system modifications, and encrypted communications.
Key Findings
- Ingress Tool Transfer (T1105) is prevalent, where DPRK uses tools like
to drop malware such as FULLHOUSE.DOORED. - Masquerading (T1036.005) through the use of file names mimicking legitimate services like Docker or Zoom.
- System Information Discovery (T1082) and User Discovery (T1033) involve commands like
to gather system and user data. - File Deletion (T1070.004) is used to hide activity after execution.
Detection Tools
: Detects file creation, process execution, and system calls.Suricata/Zeek
: Monitors network traffic for HTTP/HTTPS connections to suspicious domains.YARA
: Identify malicious binaries like FULLHOUSE.DOORED based on patterns.Sigma
: Use rule-based log analysis for identifying adversary activity.
Example Open Source Tools:
- Zeek: Analyze network traffic to detect HTTP/HTTPS protocols.
- YARA/PEStudio: Examine malware binaries for signatures or behaviors.
- OSQuery: Query system-level artifacts for forensic analysis.
Step 1
1.A.1 Ingress Tool Transfer (T1105)
Detection Criteria
Adversary used start.rb
) and configuration file (/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock.lock
) from b0ring-t3min4l[.]kr
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unusual Script Executions: Executing scripts (e.g.,
) to download and drop files in non-standard directories. - External Network Communication: Establishing connections to unfamiliar IPs or domains, especially those linked to C2 infrastructure.
- File Creations in Non-Standard Directories: Creation of executables or configuration files in locations outside the typical software or system directories (e.g.,
). - Process-File Relationship: Newly spawned processes associated with dropped files exhibiting anomalous behavior, such as elevated privileges or unexpected communication patterns.
Detection SPL Queries
index=mac_os sourcetype=process_activity OR sourcetype=sysmon OR sourcetype=network_traffic
| eval is_abnormal=(case(
command_line LIKE "%curl%" OR command_line LIKE "%wget%", 1,
process_name IN ("python", "ruby", "bash", "zsh") AND (parent_process_name="launchd" OR parent_process_name="zsh"), 1,
file_path LIKE "/usr/local/bin%" OR file_path LIKE "/Library/LaunchDaemons%", 1,
dest_ip IN ("", ""), 1,
process_parent IN ("com.docker.sock"), 1,
process_name="launchctl", 1,
TRUE, 0))
| where is_abnormal=1
| transaction user, host startswith="curl" OR startswith="wget" OR startswith="launchctl" endswith="file_modification" maxspan=5m
| stats count by host, user, file_path, command_line, parent_process_name, dest_ip
| where count > 1
| sort by count desc
1.A.2 Masquerading: Match Legitimate Name or Location (T1036.005)
Detection Criteria
, masquerading as a legitimate Docker file to avoid detection.
Behavioral Anomalies
- Uncommon file creation in typically legitimate directories, like
, especially when tied to non-system processes or users. - File or process names that closely resemble legitimate binaries but may have slight differences in behavior or origin.
- Execution of binaries in legitimate directories by non-privileged users or processes without administrative tasks.
Detection SPL Queries
index=mac_os sourcetype=process_activity OR sourcetype=sysmon OR sourcetype=file_system_events
| eval suspicious_file=(case(
file_path LIKE "/usr/local/bin%" AND process_name IN ("bash", "zsh", "python", "ruby"), 1,
file_path LIKE "/Library/LaunchDaemons%" AND process_name IN ("launchctl", "com.docker.sock"), 1,
command_line LIKE "%com.docker.sock%", 1,
TRUE, 0))
| where suspicious_file=1
| transaction user, host startswith="file_creation" endswith="process_execution" maxspan=5m
| stats count by host, user, process_name, file_path, command_line
| where count > 1
| sort by count desc
1.A.3 Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols (T1071.001)
Detection Criteria
( connects to forev3r1[.]kr
( over protocol HTTP on port 80
Behavioral Anomalies
- Outbound HTTP/HTTPS traffic to rare or untrusted external domains, especially over default ports like 80 or 443.
- Connections initiated from non-browser processes (e.g.,
), which is unusual for typical HTTP communications. - Consistent outbound traffic from systems that rarely initiate external communications, especially outside of business hours.
- Unencrypted HTTP traffic over port 80, which may expose sensitive data or facilitate C2 operations.
Detection SPL Query:
index=mac_os sourcetype=network_traffic
| search dest_port=80 OR dest_port=443
| eval suspicious_conn=(case(
dest_ip IN ("", ""), 1,
process_name NOT IN ("Safari", "Chrome", "Firefox", "curl", "wget"), 1,
TRUE, 0))
| where suspicious_conn=1
| stats count by src_ip, dest_ip, dest_port, process_name, user
| where count > 5
| sort by count desc
Step 2
2.A.1 Ingress Tool Transfer (T1105)
Detection Criteria
The adversary used FULLHOUSE.DOORED (/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock)
to download STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
, its LaunchDaemon (/Library/LaunchDaemons/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool.plist
), and configuration file (/Library/Fonts/pingfang.ttf.md5
). These files were transferred from b0ring-t3min4l[.]kr (
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unusual File Downloads: Downloading tools or binaries from untrusted remote servers like
. - File Placement in Sensitive Locations: Storing binaries in directories like
where legitimate helper tools are typically placed. - Execution of Downloaded Files: Execution or registration of LaunchDaemons or services using the newly downloaded files.
- Use of Unusual Protocols or Ports: Adversary might use web protocols (HTTP/HTTPS) or obscure ports to blend into normal traffic patterns.
Detection SPL Queries
index=os_logs sourcetype=sysmon EventID=11 OR sourcetype=network_traffic (process_name="*curl*" OR process_name="*wget*")
| search (dest_ip="" OR file_path="*/Library/LaunchDaemons/*")
| stats count by process_name, file_path, dest_ip, user, command_line
| where count > 1
| eval action="Ingress Tool Transfer detected", severity="high"
| table _time, process_name, user, file_path, dest_ip, command_line, action, severity
2.A.2 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Unix Shell (T1059.004)
Detection Criteria
FULLHOUSE.DOORED (/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock)
executed commands via /bin/zsh
using the NSTask class. This activity involves using the Unix shell to load a LaunchDaemon for persistence.
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unexpected Shell Execution: Running Unix shells like /bin/zsh outside regular administrative tasks.
- Loading Daemons: Commands attempting to load or modify system daemons, especially from uncommon binaries like /usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock.
- NSTask Usage: Monitoring the usage of NSTask to execute shell commands that target system processes like launchctl for persistence.
- Parent-Child Process Relationships: Detecting relationships between unexpected binaries and shell executions.
Detection SPL Queries
index=os_logs sourcetype=sysmon EventID=1 OR sourcetype=mac_os_logs (process_name="/bin/zsh" OR process_name="launchctl")
| search (file_path="*/Library/LaunchDaemons/*" OR command_line="*NSTask*")
| stats count by process_name, command_line, user, file_path
| where count > 1
| eval action="Suspicious Shell Execution", severity="high"
| table _time, process_name, user, file_path, command_line, action, severity
2.A.3 Create or Modify System Process: Launch Daemon (T1543.004)
Detection Criteria
FULLHOUSE.DOORED (/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock)
registered STRATOFEAR (/Library/LaunchDaemons/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool.plist)
as a LaunchDaemon. This action is used to maintain persistence on the system by ensuring that the STRATOFEAR
tool is launched at system startup.
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unauthorized LaunchDaemon Creation: Detection of new or modified LaunchDaemon files in
without associated system updates. - Non-standard File Path: The presence of files like
mimicking legitimate names but originating from unusual binaries. - Unexpected Process Interaction: Processes such as
interacting with thelaunchctl
process in non-standard execution contexts. - Persistence Mechanism: Multiple executions of a specific daemon file on system startup or reboots.
Detection SPL Queries
index=os_logs sourcetype=mac_os syslog_message="launchctl"
| search file_path="/Library/LaunchDaemons/*"
| stats count by file_path, user, process_name, command_line
| where count > 1
| eval action="Suspicious LaunchDaemon Modification", severity="high"
| table _time, file_path, user, process_name, command_line, action, severity
2.A.4 File and Directory Permissions Modification: Linux and Mac File and Directory Permissions Modification (T1222.002)
Detection Criteria
FULLHOUSE.DOORED (/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock)
modified the permissions of STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
using the chmod command. This action is part of the malware's strategy to ensure it has the necessary permissions to execute and maintain persistence on the system.
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unauthorized Permission Changes: Detection of chmod applied to system-critical paths, especially to binary files or directories used by legitimate processes like Zoom.
- Non-Administrative User Modification: Permission changes made by non-administrative users on system-protected directories or files.
- Repeated Permission Adjustments: Multiple permission changes on the same file or directory within a short period, indicating an attempt to modify execution privileges.
- Chained Activity: If combined with file creation or modification events, this strengthens the malicious context.
Detection SPL Queries
index=os_logs sourcetype=mac_os syslog_message="chmod"
| search file_path="/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/*"
| stats count by file_path, user, process_name, command_line
| where count > 1
| eval action="Suspicious File/Directory Permission Modification", severity="high"
| table _time, file_path, user, process_name, command_line, action, severity
2.A.5 System Services: Launchctl (T1569.001)
Detection Criteria
FULLHOUSE.DOORED (/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock)
executed STRATOFEAR (/Library/LaunchDaemons/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool.plist)
using the launchctl command. This activity indicates the malware's attempt to maintain persistence by registering a LaunchDaemon.
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unusual Service Registration: Detecting the registration of a LaunchDaemon from unexpected directories or non-standard file paths such as
. - Unauthorized Use of
: Monitoring forlaunchctl
being executed by users or processes that are not typical administrators or system services. - Repeated Service Modifications: Detecting multiple instances of services being registered or modified, especially for files not commonly associated with legitimate services.
Detection SPL Queries
index=os_logs sourcetype=mac_os syslog_message="launchctl"
| search file_path="/Library/LaunchDaemons/*"
| stats count by file_path, user, command_line, process_name
| where count > 1
| eval action="Suspicious LaunchDaemon Registration", severity="high"
| table _time, file_path, user, command_line, process_name, action, severity
2.A.6 Masquerading: Match Legitimate Name or Location (T1036.005)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
masquerades as a legitimate Zoom file, exploiting user trust in common software to avoid detection.
Behavioral Anomalies
- Mismatch Between File Path and File Properties: Detect when files located in trusted directories (e.g.,
) do not match their expected properties (e.g., signed by a trusted vendor like Zoom). - Unusual File Creation in Critical Directories: Monitor directories typically reserved for trusted applications or privileged tools for the creation of files that deviate from known software.
- Unverified File Origin: Detection of unsigned or incorrectly signed binaries located in sensitive directories associated with legitimate software.
Detection SPL Queries
index=os_logs sourcetype=mac_os file_path="/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/*"
| search NOT [| inputlookup legitimate_zoom_files.csv | fields file_name, file_hash]
| stats count by file_path, file_name, file_hash, user
| where count > 1
| eval action="Suspicious File Masquerading Detected", severity="high"
| table _time, file_path, file_name, file_hash, user, action, severity
2.A.7 Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols (T1071.001)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
communicates with t1g3r-heart[.]kr (
over HTTPS on port 443. This indicates potential data exfiltration or command-and-control activities.
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unusual HTTPS Connection: Monitor for unusual or infrequent connections to external domains over HTTPS, particularly those not matching known organizational traffic patterns.
- Connections to Newly Registered Domains: Connections to domains that have recently been registered (e.g., less than 30 days old).
- Suspicious External IPs: Traffic from sensitive internal systems (such as
) to IPs outside regular business workflows.
Detection SPL Queries
index=network_logs sourcetype="mac_os" destination_ip="" dest_port=443
| eval time_diff=now() - _time
| where time_diff < 300
| stats count by source_ip, destination_ip, user, app_protocol, bytes_sent, bytes_received
| eval action="Suspicious HTTPS Communication Detected", severity="high"
| table _time, source_ip, destination_ip, user, app_protocol, bytes_sent, bytes_received, action, severity
2.A.8 Encrypted Channel: Asymmetric Cryptography (T1573.002)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
establishes a connection to t1g3r-heart[.]kr (
over encrypted protocol HTTPS.
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unusual Encrypted Communications: Monitoring for HTTPS connections to unknown or suspicious domains that do not align with regular business traffic.
- Frequent, High-Volume Encrypted Traffic: Repeated connections over HTTPS from privileged system directories (like
) that are unexpected. - Use of Non-standard Ports for HTTPS: Watch for attempts to use encryption protocols over non-standard ports.
- Encrypted Traffic without Prior Establishment: Sudden initiation of encrypted communication to external servers without prior resolution or DNS lookups from known trusted sources.
Detection SPL Queries
index=network_logs sourcetype="mac_os" destination_ip="" dest_port=443
| eval time_diff=now() - _time
| where time_diff < 600
| stats count by source_ip, destination_ip, user, ssl_version, app_protocol, bytes_sent, bytes_received
| eval action="Encrypted HTTPS Communication to Suspicious IP Detected", severity="high"
| table _time, source_ip, destination_ip, user, ssl_version, app_protocol, bytes_sent, bytes_received, action, severity
Step 3
3.A.1 Indicator Removal: File Deletion (T1070.004)
Detection Criteria
FULLHOUSE.DOORED (/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock)
deletes itself and its configuration file (/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock.lock)
using the command rm -f com.docker.sock com.docker.sock.lock && (sleep 7 && pkill com.docker.sock) &
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unexpected Deletion of Executables: Monitor for high-privilege processes executing file deletion commands, particularly in non-standard directories (e.g.,
). - Timing-based Process Termination: Monitor for process termination commands (e.g.,
) that are invoked after file deletion, especially with timing components like sleep. - Multiple Related File Deletions: Detect simultaneous deletion of executable files and their configuration counterparts, suggesting potential malware cleanup activity.
Detection SPL Queries
index=system_logs sourcetype="mac_os" event_type=process_deletion OR file_deletion
| search "command"="rm -f" AND "pkill" AND "/usr/local/bin/com.docker.sock"
| stats count by process_name, user, file_path, command
| eval anomaly="Suspicious File Deletion & Process Termination Detected", severity="high"
| table _time, process_name, user, file_path, command, anomaly, severity
Step 4
4.A.1 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Unix Shell (T1059.004)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
executed discovery commands through /bin/sh
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unexpected Command Execution: Monitoring
executions for commands not typically run by system administrators or automated scripts. - Privilege Escalation: If the shell commands are executed with elevated privileges, it could indicate malicious intent.
- Command Chaining: Anomalous sequences of discovery-related commands executed in quick succession.
Detection SPL Queries
index=system_logs sourcetype="mac_os" event_type=process_execution
| search "command"="/bin/sh" AND ("whoami" OR "logname" OR "ifconfig")
| stats count by process_name, user, command
| eval anomaly="Suspicious Shell Execution Detected", severity="high"
| table _time, process_name, user, command, anomaly, severity
4.A.2 System Owner/User Discovery (T1033)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
executed the command sh -c logname
to retrieve the current user on HOGSHEAD (
Behavorial Anomalies
- Unexpected Command Execution: Monitoring execution of discovery commands such as logname using root privileges.
- Unusual Shell Execution: If observed shell (
) commands are uncommon for legitimate Zoom files, this could indicate malicious intent. - Chained Activity: If combined with file creation or modification events, this strengthens the malicious context.
Detection SPL Queries
index=main sourcetype="mac_os"
| search "command"="sh -c logname"
| stats count by host, user, parent_process, process, command_line
| where parent_process != "expected_process"
| table _time, host, user, parent_process, process, command_line
4.A.3 System Owner/User Discovery (T1033)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
executed the command sh -c dscl . -list /Users | grep -v '^_'
to gather a list of users on the system on HOGSHEAD (
Behavorial Anomalies
- Execution of the
command outside typical administrative workflows. - Suspicious account enumeration activity by unauthorized processes or users.
- Filtering of system accounts to focus on interactive users for further targeting.
Detection SPL Queries
index=main sourcetype="mac_os"
| search "command"="sh -c dscl . -list /Users | grep -v '^_'"
| stats count by host, user, parent_process, process, command_line
| where parent_process != "expected_process"
| table _time, host, user, parent_process, process, command_line
4.A.4 System Information Discovery (T1082)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
used the API function gethostname()
to gather the system's hostname on HOGSHEAD (
Behavioral Anomalies
- Unexpected API calls to gethostname from unusual processes.
- Host information retrieval by unauthorized or non-system-critical processes.
4.A.5 System Information Discovery (T1082)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
executed the command /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType
to collect hardware information on HOGSHEAD (
Behavorial Anomalies
- Unusual execution of system_profiler from non-administrative processes or users.
- Hardware information collection outside of routine maintenance or expected usage.
Detection SPL Queries
index=main sourcetype="mac_os"
| search "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType"
| stats count by user, process, parent_process, host
| where parent_process != "expected_admin_process"
| table _time, host, user, process, parent_process
4.A.6 System Information Discovery (T1082)
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
executed the command /usr/bin/sw_vers
to collect OS and build information on HOGSHEAD (
Behavorial Anomalies
- Unexpected Command Execution: Monitoring for execution of system profiler commands by non-administrative applications. Repeated access to system profiling commands strengthens the malicious context.
- Unusual User-Level Execution: Non-administrative processes executing system information commands.
Detection SPL Queries
index=main sourcetype="mac_os" "command_line"="/usr/bin/sw_vers"
4.A.7 Shared Modules (T1129)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
dynamically loads modules from C2 using the Initialize
function with dlopen()
and dlsym()
Behavorial Anomalies
- Sudden use of dlopen() to load unusual shared libraries or temporary files.
- Files written in /tmp directories, often named with random alphanumeric strings, signal potential malicious code or modules loaded remotely.
Detection SPL Queries
index=macOS sourcetype=syslog
| search "dlopen" "dlsym"
| eval file_path_extracted=if(match(file_path, "/tmp/*"), file_path, null())
| search file_path_extracted!=null
| stats count by process_name, file_path_extracted
| where count > 1 # Threshold to reduce noise
| table _time, process_name, file_path_extracted
4.A.8 Credentials from Password Stores (T1555.001)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
reads the system (/Library/Keychains/System.keychain)
and user (/Users/ranrok/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db)
Keychain files on the host HOGSHEAD (
Behavorial Anomalies
- Unusual access to the Keychain, especially in non-typical processes or outside regular administrative activity, should raise suspicion.
- Monitoring the execution of SecKeychainItemCopyContent and analyzing for processes that attempt unauthorized keychain access can reveal anomalies.
Detection SPL Queries
index=your_index sourcetype=your_sourcetype
| search "SecKeychainItemCopyContent" OR "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" OR "/Users/*/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db"
| stats count by process_name, user, keychain_access_attempt
| where count > 1
4.A.9 Network Share Discovery (T1135)
Detection Criteria
is a persistent threat actor that uses the us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool
located in /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
to monitor and collect activity on shared drives and mounted devices. This tool leverages FSEventStream to track changes within the /Volumes
folder, capturing details whenever a device (including USB or software) is mounted to the system.
Behavorial Anomalies
- High-Frequency Access: Monitoring unusual high-frequency access to the /Volumes folder.
- Unusual File System Events: Monitoring frequent read/write operations (such as those initiated by us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool).
- Unusual File Operations: Multiple fsgetpath, getfsstat64, and getattrlist operations targeting the /Volumes folder, which can indicate unauthorized surveillance of file system activities.
- Unexpected mounting of devices that do not align with normal user behavior.
Detection SPL Queries
index=<your_index> sourcetype="fsmon" event_type="device_mount"
| eval suspicious_mount = if((mount_point == "/Volumes") AND (process_name != "Finder"), 1, 0)
| stats count by host, process_name, mount_point
| where suspicious_mount > 0
| table host, process_name, mount_point
| sort - count
4.A.10 Automated Collection (T1119)
Detection Criteria
STRATOFEAR (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomHelperTool)
records device activity to /Library/Fonts/AppleSDGothicNeo.ttc.1
Behavorial Anomalies
- Unusual write operations in system directories like
. - Processes creating hidden or rarely-used files.
- Frequent writing to non-logging directories that typically host static files (e.g., fonts).
Detection SPL Queries
index=<your_index> sourcetype="fsmon" file_path="/Library/Fonts/AppleSDGothicNeo.ttc.1"
| stats count by host, process_name, file_path
| where count > 0
| table host, process_name, file_path
| sort - count