# Rat

# Packet Structure

# Tasking Packet

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":(Command Value),    // int
"Other/requirements":"(file paths, target executables, etc.)"    // string

# Task Create/Download file FROM C2

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":15, // int
"filePath":"path/to/file/destination", // string
"fileContents":"Base64 encoded file content",  // string

# Task Upload File TO C2

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":24, // int
"filePath":"path/to/file/destination", // string

# Task Delete File From Disk

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":26, // int
"filePath":"path/to/file/destination", // string

# Task Execute a Command

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":2,  // int
"execute":"command to execute",   // string


# Implant Response Packet

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":"(Command Value)",    // string
"response":"(command output, file data, etc.)" // string

# Implant Recon Packet

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":"42"  //string
"ver":"2.0",  // string
"domain":"Domain name",  // string
"pc":"Computer name",    // string
"geo":"two letter country code",  // string
"os":"OS Build info", // string
"rights":"admin"/"user", // string
"proxyenabled":0,  // boolean

# Packet Encryption

Encryption can be toggled on/off using the CmakePresets setting RAT_ENCRYPT_COMMS. The key used for encryption is located at Settings::key in settings.cpp. Encryption consists of:

  • XORing the payload data (string)
  • Then Base64 encoding that string

# Logging/Troubleshooting

SDBBot creates a log file in the image execution directory. The log file name is mswinsdr64.log.

# Decoding the log file

The log file is base64 encoded and XOR encrypted. The log file decryptor can be found here: log_decryptor

The XOR key used to decrypt the log file is 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0D:

python3 aes_base64_log_decryptor.py -i mswinsdr64.log -o dec_mswinsdr64.log -k 0F00000D --xor

View the contents of the decrypted log file:

cat dec_mswinsdr64.log

# Integration Test

Placeholder; TCP integration test located at %PROJECT_ROOT%/tests/scripts/integration_test.ps1