Packet Structure
Tasking Packet
"header":"0xC0DE0000", // string
"command":(Command Value), // int
"Other/requirements":"(file paths, target executables, etc.)" // string
Task Create/Download file FROM C2
"header":"0xC0DE0000", // string
"command":15, // int
"filePath":"path/to/file/destination", // string
"fileContents":"Base64 encoded file content", // string
Task Upload File TO C2
"header":"0xC0DE0000", // string
"command":24, // int
"filePath":"path/to/file/destination", // string
Task Delete File From Disk
"header":"0xC0DE0000", // string
"command":26, // int
"filePath":"path/to/file/destination", // string
Task Execute a Command
"header":"0xC0DE0000", // string
"command":2, // int
"execute":"command to execute", // string
Implant Response Packet
"header":"0xC0DE0000", // string
"command":"(Command Value)", // string
"response":"(command output, file data, etc.)" // string
Implant Recon Packet
"header":"0xC0DE0000", // string
"command":"42" //string
"ver":"2.0", // string
"domain":"Domain name", // string
"pc":"Computer name", // string
"geo":"two letter country code", // string
"os":"OS Build info", // string
"rights":"admin"/"user", // string
"proxyenabled":0, // boolean
Packet Encryption
Encryption can be toggled on/off using the CmakePresets setting RAT_ENCRYPT_COMMS
. The key used
for encryption is located at Settings::key
in settings.cpp
Encryption consists of:
- XORing the payload data (string)
- Then Base64 encoding that string
SDBBot creates a log file in the image execution directory. The log file name is mswinsdr64.log
Decoding the log file
The log file is base64 encoded and XOR encrypted. The log file decryptor can be found here: log_decryptor
The XOR key used to decrypt the log file is 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0D
python3 aes_base64_log_decryptor.py -i mswinsdr64.log -o dec_mswinsdr64.log -k 0F00000D --xor
View the contents of the decrypted log file:
cat dec_mswinsdr64.log
Integration Test
Placeholder; TCP integration test located at %PROJECT_ROOT%/tests/scripts/integration_test.ps1