# SDBBot

SDBBot Diagram
SDBBot Diagram

SDBBot is a multi-stage payload with four primary components:

  1. Installer
  2. Loader
  3. Shellcode
  4. RAT

The installer uses the registry to stash the shellcode and lay persistence via IFEO. Once IFEO triggers the persistence, the loader DLL is executed. It then retrieves the stashed shellcode and executes it. The shellcode maps the RAT into memory.

# Installer

The SDBBot installer is responsible for laying persistence on a victim host. It takes the following steps to establish the infection chain:

  1. Drops a custom Application Verifier DLL to the configured location.
  2. Drops a symlink in C:\Windows\System32 which points to the verifier DLL.
  3. Registers the symlink as a verifier DLL through Image File Execution Options for the target host process (winlogon by default).
  4. Registers the PE loading shellcode, later used by the custom verifier DLL, to an HKLU key.

With this persistence in place, the host process will be forced to load the custom verifier DLL any time a new instance is launched. In the default case of winlogon, this will only happen at boot.

# Loader

The loader DLL is a custom Application Verifier DLL responsible for retrieving the PE loading shellcode from the registry and executing it. It takes the following steps to establish the infection chain:

  1. Once a process configured to use the loader DLL as an IFEO VerifierDLL is instantiated, the OS will force the loader DLL to be loaded into it.
  2. Uses the Application Verifier mechanisms to place an IAT hook on NtSetProcessInformation. Later, this IAT hook will call an export from the RAT DLL.
  3. Verifier DLLs have a special DllMain reason code that is called early in loading process. At this time, the loader DLL retrieves the PE loading shellcode from the registry and executes it. At this point the RAT DLL is mapped into memory but not yet running.
  4. Once the shellcode runs successfully the loader DLL will wipe and free it. This is the last step that takes place at early load.
  5. Once the process starts normal execution (fully loaded) and NtSetProcessInformation is called, the hook creates a new thread passing the RAT execution.

# Shellcode

The loader shellcode is a PE loader implemented in position-independent code. Essentially it is a custom version of sRDI tailored for the early load event of Application Verifier DLLs. It takes the following steps to establish the infection chain:

  1. Self extracts the embedded RAT DLL.
  2. Loads the RAT on top of the signed decoy DLL specified (setupapi.dll by default).
  3. Updates the Process Environment Block to have the correct entrypoint for the RAT.
  4. Returns some information to the loader DLL.

In contrast to sRDI, the PE loader shellcode does not call the RAT's DllMain function. Rather, since the shellcode is executed prior to the OS initializing dependencies we just update the PEB and let the OS call DllMain on our behalf. The loader DLL is then responsible for executing the RAT's primary export.


The RAT is the final stage of the SDBBot infection. It is responsible for maintaining a channel with the C2 server and executing post-exploitation commands. On startup, the RAT will attempt to create a named mutex to ensure that only one instance of the RAT is running. If the mutex creation fails, the RAT will exit.

  • The RAT will perform initial discovery actions by capturing the following information and returning it to the C2:
    • Domain name
    • Computer name
    • Username
    • Country code
    • Windows version
    • If the user is an administrator or not
  • The RAT is capable of downloading, uploading and deleting files and running custom processes on the victim computer

# Packet Structure

# Tasking Packet

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":(Command Value),    // int
"Other/requirements":"(file paths, target executables, etc.)"    // string

# Task Create/Download file FROM C2

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":15, // int
"filePath":"path/to/file/destination", // string
"fileContents":"Base64 encoded file content",  // string

# Task Upload File TO C2

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":24, // int
"filePath":"path/to/file/destination", // string

# Task Delete File From Disk

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":26, // int
"filePath":"path/to/file/destination", // string

# Task Execute a Command

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":2,  // int
"execute":"command to execute",   // string


# Implant Response Packet

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":"(Command Value)",    // string
"response":"(command output, file data, etc.)" // string

# Implant Recon Packet

"header":"0xC0DE0000",   // string
"command":"42"  //string
"ver":"2.0",  // string
"domain":"Domain name",  // string
"pc":"Computer name",    // string
"geo":"two letter country code",  // string
"os":"OS Build info", // string
"rights":"admin"/"user", // string
"proxyenabled":0,  // boolean

# Packet Encryption

Encryption can be toggled on/off using the CmakePresets setting RAT_ENCRYPT_COMMS. The key used for encryption is located at Settings::key in settings.cpp. Encryption consists of:

  • XORing the payload data (string)
  • Then Base64 encoding that string

# Logging/Troubleshooting

When compiled in debug mode, the SDBBot RAT will create a log file in the image execution directory. The log file name is mswinsdr64.log.

# Decoding the log file

The log file is base64 encoded and XOR encrypted. The log file decryptor can be found here: log_decryptor

The XOR key used to decrypt the log file is 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0D:

python3 aes_base64_log_decryptor.py -i mswinsdr64.log -o dec_mswinsdr64.log -k 0F00000D --xor

View the contents of the decrypted log file:

cat dec_mswinsdr64.log

# Integration Test

TCP integration test located at integration_test.ps1. You can run the test with the following command:


The test will start a TCP listener on port 443 and wait for a connection, then send back a response.

# Build 🏗️

SDBBot can be built in Debug or Release mode using the included CMakePreset.json configurations.

# Dependencies

  • CMake version 3.26
  • CMakePresets.json version 6 support (Visual Studio 17.7)

# Quickstart

# Command Line

Build both Debug and Release configurations of SDBBot.

cd cl0p/Resources/sdbbot
cmake.exe --workflow --preset cicd-debug
cmake.exe --workflow --preset cicd-release

For simplicity, all of the generated artifacts can be bundled into the top-level install/ directory using the CMake installation facility.

cmake.exe --install ./build --config release
cmake.exe --install ./build --config debug

./install/Release/installer.dll is the production payload for SDBBot. installer-runner.exe will load the installer DLL and call its export for simplified testing.

The remaining artifacts are simply for debugging and archival purposes. For more information see the Install section

# Configuration

SDBBot has several CMake options available to change the compile-time configuration of SDBBot. These options reside in the SDBBot CMake configuration file, and can be toggled in CMakePresets.json using cacheVariables.

Variable Default Description
INSTALLER_STUB_LOADER OFF Installer uses the stub version of the loader
INSTALLER_STUB_SHELLCODE OFF Installer uses the stub version of the shellcode
LOADER_STUB_INSTALLER OFF Loader uses the stub version of the installer
LOADER_STUB_SHELLCODE OFF Loader uses the stub version of the shellcode
SHELLCODE_STUB_RAT OFF Shellcode uses the stub version of the RAT
RAT_HOST_DLL setupapi DLL which the RAT will be overwritten on
RAT_HOST_DLL_EXPORT SetupAddToSourceListW Dummy export used to trigger host DLL linkage
LOADER_SHELLCODE_KEY skw Registry key where PE loader shellcode will be stashed
LOADER_SHELLCODE_VALUE d Registry key value containing PE loader shellcode
LOADER_SHELLCODE_DATA 0xcc,0xc3 Stub shellcode for testing (breakpoint then return)
IFEO_TARGET_PROCESS winlogon.exe IFEO injected persistence process
IFEO_FILTER_FULL_PATH C:\\Windows\\System32\\winlogon.exe Full path to the persistence process
LOADER_DROP_PATH C:\\Windows\\temp\\tmp8AB2.tmp Drop path for the loader DLL
LOADER_SYMLINK msverload.dll Name of the symlink that will redirect to loader DLL
RAT_ENCRYPT_COMMS ON Encrypt RAT communication
RAT_C2_IP_ADDRESS C2 IP address for RAT
RAT_C2_PORT 8080 C2 TCP port for RAT
RAT_PACKET_HEADER 0x0000000F C2 RAT packet headers

# Build Presets

# Command Line

cmake.exe --build --preset release # Or debug

# Visual Studio

After selecting the release configuration preset: Build -> Build All

Build All screenshot
Build All screenshot

# Install 📦

Installing SDBBot simply copies all of the artifacts from both Release and Debug builds into the top-level install/ directory. This is simply for ease of use and distribution.

The final product should be a top-level directory named install/ with the following layout:

├─ install/
   ├─ Debug/
   │  ├─ alternative-loader.dll
   │  ├─ alternative-loader.lib
   │  ├─ alternative-loader.pdb
   │  ├─ installer-runner.exe
   │  ├─ installer-runner.pdb
   │  ├─ installer.dll
   │  ├─ installer.lib
   │  ├─ installer.pdb
   │  ├─ loader-runner.exe
   │  ├─ loader-runner.pdb
   │  ├─ loader.dll
   │  ├─ loader.lib
   │  ├─ loader.pdb
   │  ├─ rat-runner.exe
   │  ├─ rat-runner.pdb
   │  ├─ rat.dll
   │  ├─ rat.lib
   │  ├─ rat.pdb
   │  ├─ shellcode-blob.bin
   │  ├─ shellcode-runner.exe
   │  ├─ shellcode-runner.pdb
   │  ├─ shellcode.exe
   │  ├─ shellcode.pdb
   ├─ Release/
      ├─ installer-runner.exe
      ├─ installer.dll
      ├─ installer.lib
      ├─ loader-runner.exe
      ├─ msverload.dll
      ├─ msverload.lib
      ├─ msverload_alt.dll
      ├─ msverload_alt.lib
      ├─ rat-runner.exe
      ├─ setupapi.dll
      ├─ setupapi.lib
      ├─ shellcode-blob.bin
      ├─ shellcode-runner.exe
      ├─ shellcode.exe

# Artifacts

  • installer.dll is the SDBBot persistence installer
  • installer-runner.exe is a convenience runner for the installer DLL
  • msverload.dll is the custom Application Verifier DLL
  • loader-runner.exe is a convenience runner for the custom Application Verifier DLL
  • setupapi.dll is the RAT DLL
  • rat-runner.exe is a convenience runner for the RAT DLL
  • shellcode-runner.exe is a convenience runner for the PE loader shellcode
  • shellcode-blob.bin is the PE loader shellcode, with the RAT DLL embedded, and a plaintext prefix
  • msverload_alt.dll is a standalone version of the custom Application Verifier DLL that can run via rundll32

# Command Line

cmake.exe --install ./build

# Visual Studio

Build -> Install SDBBot

Build screenshot
Build screenshot

# Test 🧪

The included CMake workflows will build and test SDBBot with a single command. This section details how to run tests independently from the build process.

# Tools

SDBBot includes runners to test each layer of the final payload independently:

  • installer-runner.exe executes the installer DLL's export directly
  • loader-runner.exe executes the custom Application Verifier DLL's export directly
  • rat-runner.exe executes the RAT DLL's export directly
  • rat-shellcode-runner.exe executes the RAT DLL as an sRDI payload to check for shellcode loader incompatibilities
  • shellcode-runner.exe executes the shellcode PE loader with the embedded RAT

# Command Line

ctest.exe --preset all

# Visual Studio

Test -> Run test preset for SDBBot -> all

Test screenshot
Test screenshot

Test Explorer can also be used however test discovery can be unreliable without a fresh build.

Test Explorer screenshot
Test Explorer screenshot

# Troubleshoot 🤔

# Logs

[!Note] Release versions of components will not drop a log file. For troubleshooting scenarios, consider using the debug version of a component to make use of symbols and logs.

Some components will drop encrypted logs in their current working directory. These logs can be used to trace execution at critical junctures and narrow down issues.

# Test Tools

The included test runners and payloads can be used to narrow down issues. For example if there is an issue with the RAT, consider first validating the RAT's execution as a normal DLL using the rat-runner. If the issue is reproducible the root cause can be assumed to be in the RAT itself. Otherwise, the issue is likely due to an issue with the loader. The rat-shellcode-runner and shellcode-runner can then be used to further examine loader incompatibilities.

Runner targets are located in the tests directory.

# Stubs

This project includes a number of stubs that were used early in development for dependency isolation. These stubs may come in handy for further development or troubleshooting. Consult the SDBBot CMake configuration file for more information.

Stub targets are located in the tests directory.

# CTI 📄

# References 📝

Description URL
Application Verifier Custom Providers namazso/SecureUxTheme
C++ to Shellcode robleh/assemblyline
Module Overloading hasherezade/module_overloading
Module Overloading TheWover/donut
PE Loader monoxgas/sRDI
Application Verifier Microsoft
Application Verifier Sensepost

# Artifacts removed

  • SDBBot log mswinsdr64.log
  • CL0P log Favbug.txt