# ATT&CK Evaluations Telemetry Generator

The ATT&CK Evaluations Telemetry Generator (telemetry-generator.ps1) is a repeatable, adversary focused data creation mechanism to exercise a variety of data sources that can be used to help identify adversary behavior with an enterprise. The Telemetry Generator is not meant to dictate sensor coverage, which must also consider realism of collection, such as false positives and data volume. The Telemetry Generator should be used to validate configurations, and can be used to help vendors understand other data sources they should consider. Simply because data is generated in this script does not mean it will be applicable in a given round of ATT&CK Evaluations, or guarantee functionality during an engagement.

Data Generator functions are responsible for carrying out an atomic action within the Telemetry Generator. Read the Data Generators section to see a list and description of all supported generators.

# Requirements

  • Any Windows OS
  • Git for Windows
  • Unrestricted PowerShell Execution Policy or CLI equivalent
  • Internet Access

# Installation

Start by cloning this repository:


# Quickstart

# In a USER level PowerShell console, execute the following...

If the PowerShell Execution Policy is restricted, run telemetry-generator.ps1 with -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\telemetry-generator.ps1

The -ExecuteAll switch will run all data generators:

PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\telemetry-generator.ps1 -ExecuteAll

For isolated generation, specify generators as switches:

PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\telemetry-generator.ps1 -WriteFile -ReadFile -DeleteFile

Order matters for generators when specifying multiple switches. For instance, you can not use -ReadFile before -WriteFile.

# Data Generators

.\telemetry-generator.ps1 -Help will print out this same information

  • WriteFile - Switch to write file to $($Env:SystemRoot)\Temp\WriteFile-Test.ps1 with content Write-Host "[*] WriteFile Test"

  • ReadFile - Switch to read file at $($Env:SystemRoot)\Temp\WriteFile-Test.ps1

  • DeleteFile - Switch to delete file at $($Env:SystemRoot)\Temp\WriteFile-Test.ps1

  • WriteKey - Switch to write regkey to HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\.Test with content Test

  • ReadKey - Switch to read regkey at HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\.Test

  • DeleteKey - Switch to delete regkey at HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\.Test

  • NetworkConnection - Switch to generate network traffic by making an HTTPS GET request to https://httpbin.org:443/get

  • CreateProcess - Switch to create new cmd.exe process via Start-Process

  • ExecutePowerShell - Switch to execute PowerShell script from a .ps1 file via powershell.exe -File

  • ExecuteWMI - Switch to execute WMI query in the root\cmiv2 namespace for Win32_BIOS information

  • ExecuteAPI - Switch to execute CreateProcess from the Windows API by importing kernel32.dll through PowerShell

    • Source File: $($Env:SystemRoot)\System32\notepad.exe
  • ExecuteService - Switch to restart the Audiosrv service

    • NOTE: This requires admin. Achieved through -Verb RunAs in new PowerShell process
  • LogonValid - Switch to generate valid logon event via net use q: \\\IPC$ with provided valid credentials

    • Ensure Audit Account Logon Events and Audit Logon Events are enabled for event log visibility
  • LogonInvalid - Switch to generate invalid logon event via net use q: \\\IPC$ with invalid credentials

    • Ensure Audit Account Logon Event and Audit Logon Events are enabled for event log visibility
  • ExecuteAdminIntegrity - Switch to have calc.exe run with Admin integrity level via -Verb RunAs

    • NOTE: USER context required for visibility into new integrity level.

# Adding New Generators

To add generators:

  • Create a new function in telemetry-generator.ps1
  • Create parameter with the same name
  • Add funciton to ExecuteAll
  • Add .PARAMETER descriptor to Get-Help definition

# Video tutorial


# Licensing

© 2020 MITRE Engenuity. Approved for Public Release.