# Placeholder Substitution Script

The emulation plans contain placeholders, such as <domain>, that represent values unique to the target environment that the plans are to be tested against. This script can used to easily substitute those placeholders with the target-specific values.

# Substitution Values

substitute_placeholders.py uses the contents of placeholder_values.yml to determine the substitutions to perform within the specified document.

placeholder_values.yml is populated with all of the placeholders present in both of the Carbanak Scenario plans, along with default values for each placeholder. If substitute_placeholders.py is used without making any changes to placeholder_values.yml, the placeholders within the specified script will be replaced with the default values.

To specify a custom value, enter the value within the value field for a placeholder. The script will then use this custom value instead of the default value.

For example:

- name: <domain>
  description: The name of the target institution's domain.
  default: financial
  value: ""  <-- replace the empty quotes with the string you wish to use

# Usage

python3 ./substitute_placeholders.py [-placeholder_values ./placeholder_values.yml] ../../../Scenario_1/README.md