# Payloads


# Payloads Explained

  • 2016_United_States_presidential_election_-_Wikipedia.html: Staging payload for ADFS.
  • cod.3aka.scr.exe: Sandcat payload to complete RTLO execution.
  • dmevals.local.pfx: Staged private key used for Get-PrivateKey discovery.
  • File-Collection.ps1: PowerShell script to collect the following:
    • *.doc
    • *.xps
    • *.xls
    • *.ppt
    • *.pps
    • *.wps
    • *.wpd
    • *.ods
    • *.odt
    • *.lwp
    • *.jtd
    • *.pdf
    • *.zip
    • *.rar
    • *.docx
    • *.url
    • *.xlsx
    • *.pptx
    • *.ppsx
    • *.pst
    • *.ost
    • psw
    • pass
    • login
    • admin
    • sifr
    • sifer
    • *vpn
    • *.jpg
    • *.txt
    • *.lnk
  • Get-Screenshot.ps1: PowerShell Empire Script script to take screenshots.
  • Invoke-BypassUACTokenManipulation.ps1: PowerShell Empire script to bypass UAC.
  • Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1: PowerShell Empire PowerShell script to execute Mimikatz.
  • Invoke-PSInject.ps1: PowerShell Empire PowerShell script to execute base64 encoded PowerShell code.
  • invoke-winrmsession.ps1: PoshC2 script to create winrm sessions.
  • make_lnk.ps1: Payload generation script to create masqumasquerading .lnk file
  • m.exe: Mimikatz executable.
  • MITRE-ATTACK-EVALS.HTML: Staged .html only used for Discovery.
  • Modified-SysInternalsSuite.zip: Utilities used in persistence mechanisms that are stored within a SysInternals directory.

Note, none of the utilities here are actually Windows SysInternals tools. The SysInternals is downloaded from Microsoft during Day-1 A execution.

  • monkey.png: Stenography png with encoded payload.
  • powerview.ps1: Powerview functions to execute reflective loading.
  • ps.ps1: Process enumeration.
  • rar.exe: Archive utility.
  • sandcat.go-windows: Sandcat binary.
  • sandcat.go-windows-upx: UPX packed Sandcat binary.
  • schemas.ps1: Payload generation script using alternate data streams.
  • setup.py: Setup utility to update all payloads with appropriate IP:PORT.
  • StealToken.ps1: Steal a process' token.
  • stepFifteen_wmi.ps1: WMI persistence.
  • stepFourteen_bypassUAC.ps1: UAC bypass via sdclt.exe.
  • stepFourteen_credDump.ps1: WMI Based credential dump.
  • stepSeventeen_email.ps1: Outlook e-mail enumeration.
  • stepSeventeen_zip.ps1: Zip up a directory.
  • stepSixteen_SID.ps1: Get SID of user.
  • stepThirteen.ps1: Discovery functions.
  • stepTwelve.ps1: Detect AntiVirus.
  • timestomp.ps1: Timestomp a file.
  • update.ps1: Update sandcat payload.
  • upload.ps1: CALDERA upload utility.
  • wipe.ps1: Reflectivly load sdelete64.exe.